flakes / mirc_fish_10

"FiSH 10" - a blowfish encryption script for mIRC 7, compatible to previous FiSH scripts and other clients! Come visit us in #fish10 on EFNet!
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fish_10-with-ssl-2010-06-03 does not work with WinXP #14

Closed Anti-You closed 14 years ago

Anti-You commented 14 years ago


OS: WinXP Sp3 german (VMware) mIRC: v7.04 BETA blow.ini: used the EXAMPLE shipped in the package

Installation works so far, but it cannot read keys from the blow.ini file? I added Keys via "Set new Key" & "Set new Key (UTF-8)", blow.ini gets correctly updated (e.g. [QuakeNet:#test] ), but "Show key" just brings following message: *\ FiSH: No valid key for #test found

Also encryption does not work at all. It seems, that the command "$dll(%FiSH_dll,FiSH_GetKey10, $network %cur_contact)" does not work, because it brings you $null as result. But "Remove Key" works.

Also the prior release (mirc_fish_10-with-ssl-2010-05-20) just works fine on that machine.

I tested then the "fish testing build" in Win7 x64 (also VMware) with the same setup, and there it works. So I guess only XP is affected in some way?

Can someone approve that? Or did I something wrong?

flakes commented 14 years ago

It seems to go from working to broken pretty randomly, yes (although it hasn't for me so far, but for other testers, see below), I'll be looking into it.

00:52:22 <D> seems like fish broke for me suddenly 00:52:26 <D> on EFnet 00:52:28 <D> no idea why 00:53:28 <D> which is ironic 00:53:32 <D> because i just restarted mirc 00:53:33 <D> and now EFNet works again 05:44:59 <e> i think it's got something that is causing an error in reading the network's shit

Anti-You commented 14 years ago

Ah ok, thx for info

Anti-You commented 14 years ago

mhh, strange. When I use following command within mIRC in the active window :

//echo -a $readini(%blow_ini, $network $+ : $+ $chan,key)

...it works. Show Key or - to be more precicly - _$dll(%FiSH_dll,FiSH_GetKey10, $network %curcontact) however doesn't.

flakes commented 14 years ago

Is no_legacy=1 in the [FiSH] section of blow.ini?

Edit: Nevermind, I can reproduce, trying to figure out what's going on now.

flakes commented 14 years ago

New test build: http://github.com/flakes/mirc_fish_10/downloads

Anti-You commented 14 years ago

Yep, _nolegacy=1 exists in my blow.ini. I just used the example blow.ini, which was shipped with the test-build.

Thanks for new test-build. I will give that a try. :)