flakes / mirc_fish_10

"FiSH 10" - a blowfish encryption script for mIRC 7, compatible to previous FiSH scripts and other clients! Come visit us in #fish10 on EFNet!
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Problems with umlauts and ß #17

Closed n0rc closed 13 years ago

n0rc commented 13 years ago

I have some problems with umlauts like ä, ö, ü, or ß. These are encoded very strange and cannot be read by others. Additionally, I also receive strange characters if someone is writing umlauts.


A is using FiSH 10 with mIRC 7.1 B is using FiSH 1.30 with mIRC 6.35

B sends "gefällt" -> A receives "gef㫬t" A sends "später" -> B receives "später"

Everything else works just fine, thanks so far! :)


flakes commented 13 years ago

Please try if it works when you disable the crypt mark on incoming messages. Thanks.

flakes commented 13 years ago

Also please be aware that mIRC 7 sends UTF-8 (Unicode) all the time, but mIRC 6.35 is not able to decode UTF-8 most of the time because FiSH 1.30 breaks it. That may be what you are seeing here. It's FiSH 1.x's fault, not mIRC's, and not FiSH 10's.

flakes commented 13 years ago

I declare this resolved.