flamapy / fm_metamodel

This repo host the feature model concrete classes
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FeatureIDE parser for large-scale feature model #10

Closed jmhorcas closed 3 years ago

jmhorcas commented 3 years ago

Large-scale feature models

I've tested the framework with large-scale feature models (https://github.com/AlexanderKnueppel/is-there-a-mismatch/tree/master/Data). In particular the Linux one. Linux has around 6k features, but I've used the version that translates "complex constraints" (i.e., arbitrary propositional logic constraints) to "simple constraints" (e.g., requires and excludes). So the final model has around 44k features and 28k constraints.

Framework issues

There are three methods in the current implementation of the FM_METAMODEL that makes impossible to work with such large models. In particular get_features(), get_relations(), and get_feature_by_name(). They take forever iterating over the features only for constructing the model and transforming to CNF.

So, I've prepared cached versions for those methods. Also I've incorporated two parameters for the FM construct so you can provide the list of features and the list of relations that are gathered when constructing/parsing the model. Only with those changes reading/working with the model is very fast.

I think this is currently included in my last PR, but it doesn't allow me to create a new one.

FeatureIDE Parser

To work with those models I've prepared a first FeatureIDE parser you can integrate in the appropriate module (see code below).

import sys
from fm_metamodel.famapy.metamodels.fm_metamodel.models.feature_model import Feature, FeatureModel, Relation, Constraint
from typing import List
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

def read_features(root_tree, parent: Feature) -> (List[Feature], List[Relation]):
    features = []
    relations = []
    for child in root_tree:
        children = []
        feature = Feature(child.attrib['name'], [])
        r = Relation(parent=parent, children=[], card_min=0, card_max=0)
        feature.add_relation(r)   # Relation for the parent.
        if root_tree.tag == "and":
            if "mandatory" in child.attrib: # Mandatory feature
                r = Relation(parent=parent, children=[feature], card_min=1, card_max=1)
            else:   # Optional feature
                r = Relation(parent=parent, children=[feature], card_min=0, card_max=1)

        if child.tag == "alt":
            (children, children_relations) = read_features(child, feature)
            r = Relation(parent=feature, children=children, card_min=1, card_max=1)
        elif child.tag == "or":
            (children, children_relations) = read_features(child, feature)
            r = Relation(parent=feature, children=children, card_min=1, card_max=len(children))
        elif child.tag == "and":
            (children, children_relations) = read_features(child, feature)
    return (features, relations)

def read_constraints(ctcs_root, fm: FeatureModel):
    n = 1
    for ctc in ctcs_root:
        rule = ctc[0]
        left = rule[0]
        right = rule[1]
        if rule.tag == "imp":
            if right.tag == "not": # A -> !B (Excludes)
                fm.ctcs.append(Constraint(str(n), fm.get_feature_by_name(left.text), fm.get_feature_by_name(right[0].text), 'excludes'))
            else: # A -> B (Requires)
                fm.ctcs.append(Constraint(str(n), fm.get_feature_by_name(left.text), fm.get_feature_by_name(right.text), 'requires'))
        elif rule.tag == "disj":
            if left.tag == "not" and right.tag == "not":    # Excludes
                fm.ctcs.append(Constraint(str(n), fm.get_feature_by_name(left[0].text), fm.get_feature_by_name(right[0].text), 'excludes'))
            elif left.tag == "not": # A -> B (Requires)
                fm.ctcs.append(Constraint(str(n), fm.get_feature_by_name(left[0].text), fm.get_feature_by_name(right.text), 'requires'))
            elif right.tag == "not": # A -> B (Requires)
                fm.ctcs.append(Constraint(str(n), fm.get_feature_by_name(right[0].text), fm.get_feature_by_name(left.text), 'requires'))
        n += 1

def read_feature_model(filepath: str) -> FeatureModel:
    tree = ET.parse(filepath)
    root = tree.getroot()
    for child in root:
        if child.tag == "struct":
            root = child[0]
            root_feature = Feature(root.attrib['name'], [])
            root_feature.add_relation(Relation(parent=None, children=[], card_min=0, card_max=0))   # Relation for the parent.
            (features, relations) = read_features(root, root_feature)
            features = [root_feature] + features
            fm = FeatureModel(root_feature, [], features, relations)
        if child.tag == "constraints":
            constraints = read_constraints(child, fm)
    return fm

if __name__ == '__main__':
    fm = read_feature_model("input_fms/linux-")
    print(f"#Features: {len(fm.get_features())}")
    print(f"#Constraints: {len(fm.ctcs)}")
jmhorcas commented 3 years ago

Integrate in 0ecf369343335db7d42f83bb8e7ab0a9f6fb06bf

jmhorcas commented 3 years ago

The parser has been already finished. This issue is related with issue #27.