flamenaak / KingdomOfBad

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Colider clarifications #17

Closed flamenaak closed 2 years ago

flamenaak commented 2 years ago

Currently we use same one collider for in each entity to decide collisions with environment and other entities but also for detecting connecting hits.

Issues: 1) player ignores damage until the collision with "enemy" layer is enabled. 2) once the collision is enabled (after a dash), the player can push enemies around (and vice versa) 3) entities tend to push each other inside the walls

Goal: we need to figure out how to maintain several features simultaneously: 1) player can freely pass through entities without pushing them (and vice versa) 2) player can be hit by an attack from another entity 3) player cannot be hit in some cases (such as when dashing or blocking) 4) player does not take damage when a collider spawned by his attack is hit (should attack colliders ignore each other?)