flamendless / Slab

An immediate mode GUI for the Love2D framework.
MIT License
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Slab obstructs user drawings when windows are minimized or docked #173

Closed wingnut-2019 closed 3 months ago

wingnut-2019 commented 4 months ago

Minimizing a Slab window obstructs non-Slab related drawings until another Slab window becomes focused or you maximize the window again.

Refer to the main.lua file (https://gist.github.com/wingnut-2019/8bdd86e2d50cd97af8edcc42a83d4df2) and perform these steps to reproduce: run the file minimize "My First Window" -> the image png1 drawn in love.draw becomes invisible left-click on "My Second Window" -> image png1 becomes visible again

Docking windows (manually by user or with the Slab API) seems to cause the problem as well. I did run the provided example main.lua file with the Slab version prior to when docking windows was introduced and the problem does not occur with that Slab version.

flamendless commented 4 months ago

Thank you! Will check this as soon as I have the time

flamendless commented 3 months ago

Sorry bout the delay, working on it now

flamendless commented 3 months ago

@wingnut-2019 you can fix it by setting the color (love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1)) back before drawing the images. Nevertheless I pushed a commit for this.