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add info how to hide overlay help #3631

Open DavidBruchmann opened 2 weeks ago

DavidBruchmann commented 2 weeks ago

Feature Description

The overlay help is disturbing if it covers the options. This applies especially to areas that are predefined with the launcher, as a pixel-detailed area can'r be set with the optical tools.
Info about a shortcut how to close the overlay would be helpful:


Acpear commented 2 weeks ago

Hi DavidBruchmann,

Thanks for your enthusiastic feedback! I tested it on my machine with four different cases:

  1. No overlay help shown when taking a screenshot, and the last screenshot area is not remembered.
  2. Overlay help is shown, but the last screenshot area is not remembered.
  3. Overlay help is not shown, but the last screenshot area is remembered.
  4. Both overlay help and memory of the last screenshot area are applied.

The first three cases don't really affect the user much:

In the fourth case, the overlay help is shown and the last used area is automatically selected. However, the tools around the area are still clickable, and you can drag the edges as needed to adjust the area size. Even though the help overlay is above these buttons and edges, they still function well.

Also, as I mentioned, you can configure whether the help overlay appears in the Flameshot settings. For those familiar with Flameshot shortcuts, you can disable the help overlay. By default, it's set to the second case, but you can choose to disable the overlay if you want to enable remembering last-used area function.

Your suggestion is definitely helpful, and we're not dismissing it. If anyone else also wants a key to hide the help info, and fixing this would help more people, the community would be glad to work on that.

Thanks again for your active and enthusiastic feedback!

DavidBruchmann commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for your feedback! The most critical situation is when you want to shoot a series of screenshots with the same size and position.
Good though that you mentioned the option to disable the help window, I'll have a look for that option.