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OCR to clipboard hook for selections #702

Open kaihendry opened 4 years ago

kaihendry commented 4 years ago

Sometimes I'm working with screenshots and would be awesome to make a selection around some text and send it off to say https://aws.amazon.com/rekognition/ for it analyse and return the text to set my clipboard.

MyriaCore commented 3 years ago

OCR would be great honestly!

nsa commented 3 years ago

There is a powerful OCR engine from Google called https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract and it's open-sourced. It would be super cool if the maintainers could integrate tesseract to flameshot as the author suggested, by doing so there would no need for external API connections such as Amazon's, because tesseract works offline.

JScriber commented 3 years ago

There's a project called dpscreenocr that does the job, yet the selection is not as convenient and user-friendly as flameshot's. OCR integrated to flameshot with a dpscreenocr inspired configuration would be really great.

enoy19 commented 3 years ago

I implemented that feature and created a pull request: #1239

xeaon commented 3 years ago

@enoy19 after fixing you typo/c&p error in 8432d12960c89730efbc3096b90f677cc3a97fa9, this compiles in Manjaro and the OCR works really great, thanks!

edit: you have to change the header to baseapi.h in src/tools/ocr/ocrtool.cpp#L22 as suggested in https://github.com/flameshot-org/flameshot/pull/1239#discussion_r582078087

kaihendry commented 3 years ago

https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27242392 discusses the topic in a MacOS context

Pheggas commented 2 years ago

Anything new around this feature request? It would be super cool to me tho. Oftentimes i'm working with text copying and this feature would be absolute killer!

xeaon commented 2 years ago

@Pheggas If you are comfortable with compiling yourself, check my comment above.

I'm using this feature since then and it works great.

borgmanJeremy commented 2 years ago

I am okay to merge this feature if we can:

Pheggas commented 2 years ago

@Pheggas If you are comfortable with compiling yourself, check my comment above.

I'm using this feature since then and it works great.

I'd like to. But it would be my first compilation. I'll try to look at it. In case of failure, I'll write you 🙂

leoneivaw commented 2 years ago

I am anxious waiting for this feature! Thanks!

irfan798 commented 2 years ago

For anybody waiting for the functionality I found this blog post: https://slint.github.io/blog/ocr-screenshot.html

If you install tesseract, it is basically a one liner

flameshot gui --raw | tesseract stdin stdout | xclip -in -selection clipboard
ek1ng commented 2 years ago

For anybody waiting for the functionality I found this blog post: https://slint.github.io/blog/ocr-screenshot.html

If you install tesseract, it is basically a one liner

flameshot gui --raw | tesseract stdin stdout | xclip -in -selection clipboard

It's an amazing solution! Thanks!

siva-sub commented 2 years ago

For anybody waiting for the functionality I found this blog post: https://slint.github.io/blog/ocr-screenshot.html

If you install tesseract, it is basically a one liner

flameshot gui --raw | tesseract stdin stdout | xclip -in -selection clipboard

For those using wayland use this command instead:

flameshot gui --raw | tesseract stdin stdout | wl-copy

it requires the installation of wl-clipboard, together with tesseract and the respective tesseract language data package.

For me in arch linux the packages are : tesseract tesseract-data-eng wl-clipboard

in arch linux it can be installed with: sudo pacman -S tesseract tesseract-data-eng wl-clipboard

xeaon commented 2 years ago

Last year, I've spent a view hours to adapt @enoy19's pull request #1239 to the newer codebase but rm -rf'ed the directory by accident.

Yesterday I've done it again. You can find my fork here: xeaon/flameshot. After taking a screenshot, you can choose the OCR tool to copy the tesseract output to your clipboard. If successful there is a notification.

As of now, you need to install the dependency tesseract-ocr and leptonica manually. It won't build in CI but I'm trying to fix it for Linux builds.

As mentioned before, I'm no C++/Qt dev, so this is pretty challenging. Feel free to contribute to my fork, if you have any skills. This feature can be merged, if we can

as @borgmanJeremy mentioned earlier.

pitfiend commented 1 year ago

recently there's a new kid on the block for OCR, https://github.com/TheJoeFin/Text-Grab, it's open source and seems to be a very nice solution. maybe it could be added as a feature.

mmahmoudian commented 1 year ago

@pitfiend Thanks for your comment, but I am going to hide your comment, and here is few points to clarify my reasoning:

Nasreddine commented 8 months ago

This is my version in Ubuntu using custom shortcuts.

I've created a shell script named shot.sh and placed it in /home/me/apps/. [change me to your username] The script contains the following line:

flameshot gui --raw | tesseract stdin stdout | tr -d '\n' | xclip -in -selection clipboard

The addition of tr -d '\n' is specifically to remove line breaks from the output.

To utilize this script in Ubuntu, you can set up a custom keyboard shortcut as follows:

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Navigate to Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts.
  3. Click on View and Customize Shortcuts.
  4. Under Custom Shortcuts, click the + sign to add a new shortcut.
  5. In the new shortcut setup, enter the following details:
    • Name: flameshot_tesseract
    • Command: sh /home/me/apps/shot.sh
    • Shortcut: [Choose your preferred key combination]

This will enable you to use the script conveniently with a keyboard shortcut of your choice.

Linux makes your digital life easier : )

Sheldonimo commented 8 months ago

Hi guys, this is my custom version to linux mint.

I have been exploring methods to enhance the OCR output, and my first step was to define the language settings, which can also involve combinations. Through varying the --psm parameters in Tesseract, I discovered that the value of 6, corresponding to "Assume a single uniform block of text," yields the most favorable results. Below is the complete command for your experimentation:

flameshot gui --raw | tesseract stdin stdout -l eng+spa --psm 6 | xclip -in -selection clipboard

It's noteworthy that the optimal performance is achieved using Tesseract version 5. There are various ways to download or even compile it. I'm attaching the simplest method, which is through the PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:alex-p/tesseract-ocr-devel

This PPA was sourced from the following link, which originates from the official Tesseract page:

erfanium commented 7 months ago

+1 tesseract ocr should be a built-in functionality

GrabbenD commented 4 months ago

+1 tesseract ocr should be a built-in functionality

Here's a really good PR by @rsrdesarrollo :tada: https://github.com/flameshot-org/flameshot/pull/3074

It checks for Tesseract in PATH meaning the feature is opt-in and uses upstream updates rather than a statically linked library (which would inevitably become outdated)

Here's how I'm using it in Sway (Wayland) with @DO-Ui's Tesseract workaround for small letters:

bindsym --no-repeat $MOD+PRINT exec flameshot gui --raw | convert -resize 400% png:- png:- | tesseract -l eng stdin stdout | wl-copy
X88R88 commented 3 months ago

How do i run flameshot with tesseract on windows?

f-x1-1 commented 3 months ago

We need built-in OCR. Coming from someone familiar with ShareX and CleanShotX, I can see FlameShot has the potential to get there. Features like OCR, GIF recording, and video capture would make FlameShot a better tool. As someone new to Linux, I haven't found any screen capture tool that even comes close to ShareX and CleanShotX.

mmahmoudian commented 3 months ago


Features like OCR, GIF recording, and video capture would make FlameShot a better tool

As it have been discussed, the dev team unanimously agreed that none of these is in the scope of a screenshot tool. We will only and only allow these via the plugin system.


How do i run flameshot with tesseract on windows?

I have provided some explanation here: https://github.com/flameshot-org/flameshot/issues/702#issuecomment-1303664396

f-x1-1 commented 3 months ago


Features like OCR, GIF recording, and video capture would make FlameShot a better tool

As it have been discussed, the dev team unanimously agreed that none of these is in the scope of a screenshot tool. We will only and only allow these via the plugin system.


How do i run flameshot with tesseract on windows?

I have provided some explanation here: https://github.com/flameshot-org/flameshot/issues/702#issuecomment-1303664396

This sounds good. Similar to what Flow Launcher has come up with. Instead of implementing features natively, they have implemented a plugin system. That way, the app itself isn't bloated with unnecessary features. You choose what you want to install. (It's a universal search engine)