flamewing / flamedriver

Upgraded S3&K sound driver
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Pull in Clownacy's changes #2

Closed flamewing closed 4 years ago

flamewing commented 6 years ago

Leaving this as a reminder to myself.

flamewing commented 6 years ago

Also relevant: https://github.com/Clownacy/Sonic-2-Clone-Driver-v2/blob/master/engine/_smps2asm_inc.asm

Clownacy commented 6 years ago

Oh right, those. Technically, I'm not finished with those changes yet. I've been meaning to do some more testing, make sure S3/S&K/S3D are bit-perfect, and add SCD SFX support (this might be relevant).

flamewing commented 6 years ago

I think that the pull request will keep updating itself automatically as you commit code to your repository. I have no rush to merge, it is, as I mentioned, a reminder to myself.

If memory serves, I had made sure that S&K stuff was bit perfect, even extracting data by hand to ensure it was. I think I did the same for S3 and S3D, but I am less certain.

flamewing commented 6 years ago

Regarding your SCD driver, I think this may be of use. It is the constants I defined for the subcpu commands (including PCM commands), and SFX IDs. Also includes (by accident) the PLC constants.

I named many of them based on S2 or S1 (IIRC).

Clownacy commented 6 years ago

Awesome, thanks.

flamewing commented 6 years ago

Out of curiosity, are there any more commits planned?

Clownacy commented 6 years ago

Yeah, I've been meaning to check that the S3 files are bit-perfect, and backport my SCD SFX/Chaotix support with some improvements.

Speaking of, I'm not exactly sure what to do about some of the S3 files: S3 has a few unique songs, but others are just bugged S&K songs. So should I bother adding fixed versions of those to the music-optimized directory?

I suppose it would be fine to merge the current commits until I get around to making the rest of them.

flamewing commented 6 years ago

For the S3 songs, maybe just having a text file in the music-optimized directory saying that all "missing" songs in the directory should be taken from S&K instead?

Again, no rush; I was just wondering, given the near month delay. And I am interested in the SCD/Chaotix stuff as well.