flammpfeil / SlashBlade

1.14.4 or later project ->
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PokecubeとSlashBladeは両立しない Pokecube and SlashBlade Incompatibility #33

Closed schindlershadow closed 8 years ago

schindlershadow commented 8 years ago







Musicology - Yesterday at 7:30 PM
hey thut can pokeballs be destroyed midflight?

Thutmose - Yesterday at 7:34 PM
pokeball entities shouldn't get damaged? 

Schindler - Yesterday at 7:35 PM
slashblades has a thing where you can remove arrows in the air when you attack them, 
we are wondering if that removes pokeballs in mid flight

Thutmose - Yesterday at 7:39 PM
ahha, it very well might have
it is supposed to never allow attacking it except for when it falls out of world
    public boolean attackEntityFrom(DamageSource source, float damage)
        if (source == DamageSource.outOfWorld)
            if (PokecubeManager.isFilled(getEntityItem()))
                IPokemob mob = this.sendOut();
                if (mob != null) mob.returnToPokecube();
        return false;
but if some other mod is force killing it in the air, that would remove it

Schindler - Yesterday at 7:41 PM
is there a way to make it immune?

Thutmose - Yesterday at 7:41 PM
not unless I know how it is being removed
^ that code makes it immune to all damage

Thutmose - Yesterday at 7:48 PM
it seems it might just directly call setDead() to the target and remove it from the world.
setDead() is what minecraft uses to signal that the entity is to be removed from the world
nothing to do with health at all
if you call setDead() on any entity, no matter the health, or anything, 
will make it be removed from the world next tick


flammpfeil commented 8 years ago


schindlershadow commented 8 years ago
