flammpfeil / SlashBlade_2

for mc1.14.4 or later
32 stars 19 forks source link

black textures #46

Open Dokudja opened 8 months ago

Dokudja commented 8 months ago

I have downloaded only this mod, the version corresponds, but despite the high graphics parameters and my attempts, the textures are just black, [12nov.2023 01:15:37.226] [Worker-Main-6/WARN] [net.minecraft.client.resources.model.ModelBakery/]: Unable to load model: 'slashblade:slashblade#inventory' referenced from: slashblade:slashblade#inventory: java.io .FileNotFoundException: slashblade:models/item/slashblade.json [Nov 12,2023 01:15:36.267] [Worker-Main-7/ERROR] [net.minecraft.client.resources.model.ModelManager/]: Failed to load model slashblade:models/item/slashblade.json writes this to me in latest.log, изображение_2023-11-12_013403797

Dreta commented 6 months ago

Hello, was the solution ever found? I am also facing this problem.