Open cliassh opened 7 years ago
Finally I compiled flann 1.9.1 using cmake, after configuration, still no makefile is generated, however I opened "INSTALL.vcxproj" with visual studio 2015 and compiled almost successfully with 2 failures, fortunately I have got the .lib files under build\lib\debug directory, and I included flann.lib flann_s.lib and successfully compiled my project.
BTW, the .exe won't start because heap corruption before entering main function, so I changed main function to "int WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, PSTR pScmdline, int iCmdshow)", then flann seems working now, but I found that LshIndex is not working because it is using LshTable class: in lsh_table.h LshTable(unsigned int /feature_size/, unsigned int /key_size/) { std::cerr << "LSH is not implemented for that type" << std::endl; throw; } the constructor of LshTable has not been implemented yet.
It shows: "Error C2039 'serialize': is not a member of 'System::UInt64' D:\setup\flann-1.8.4-src\src\cpp\flann\util\serialization.h 18", I am programming with c++/cli, anyone could help?
update: after updating to flann.1.9.1, compiling is fine, but there are linking errors like: Error LNK2028 unresolved token (0A001CAE) "extern "C" int cdecl LZ4_decompress_safe_continue(struct LZ4_streamDecode_t ,char const ,char *,int,int)" (?LZ4_decompress_safe_continue@@$$J0YAHPEAULZ4_streamDecode_t@@PEBDPEADHH@Z) referenced in function "private: void cdecl flann::serialization::LoadArchive::loadBlock(char ,unsigned __int64,struct _iobuf )" (?loadBlock@LoadArchive@serialization@flann@@$$FAEAAXPEAD_KPEAU_iobuf@@@Z)
probably because I am not able to compile and install flann library on my computer?when I try to compile flann library with cmake as shown on the user manual, the makefile is not generated, so I have only cpp directory included in my project. BTW, I am using windows 10.