flann-lib / flann

Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors
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FLANN pythonic error in implementing the radius search query. #453

Open eyalol opened 4 years ago

eyalol commented 4 years ago


First i'd like to thank marius for the python bindings for FLANN here.

I'll explain what i'm trying to solve and what is the error i'm getting from FLANN. I Have a set of few tens of millions of points in 3D space, somewhere about 30 million points, and the dataset looks like: [[x1,y1,z1], [x2,y2,z2], .... , [xn, yn, zn]]

i'm trying to find for each point in the dataset neighboors in the dataset that are within radius r which is given.

My implementation looks like this: image

Which raises the error: image

I've been trying to research the code and the internet without any success, beacause obviously they're not looking for 1D array.

I'd very appreciate your help.

Thanks very much.