flareteam / flare-game

Fantasy action RPG using the FLARE engine
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Sound events not playing #832

Closed Danimal696 closed 2 years ago

Danimal696 commented 3 years ago

Hi, i have an issue thats is really annoying me, i scripted that at some state triggers a sound will play, like after killing a monster or clearing a dungeon; they played alrigth, now they dont at all (in different maps as well), the sound call is fine since i tried with a "presure plate" event. I have no idea why they stopped playing, and i have removed the status condition that prevents from triggering twice in the story to try again the event with no luck. Help please?

This is what they look like:

[event] type=event location=22,11,1,1 activate=static msg=MY EARS ARE BLEEDING!!! requires_not_status=wings_done requires_status=Adriana_ingredients_wings_done set_status=wings_done soundfx=soundfx/writing.ogg

[event] type=event location=55,12,1,1 activate=on_clear msg=All vermin got annihilated. requires_not_status=Greywold_mine_clearing_done set_status=Greywold_mine_clearing_done soundfx=soundfx/mission_complete.ogg

It migth have something to do with error message in tiled: QAction::event: ambiguous shortcut overload: del

dorkster commented 3 years ago

It might be that the sound is playing outside the player's hearing range. The soundfx property takes an set of coordinates for where the sound will play. By default, these coordinates are -1,-1, which means that the sound will use the position of the location property. You can use 0,0 to play the sound globally, like so:

Danimal696 commented 3 years ago

Another question, Flare is crashing on me after giving a monster a few powers i created; it crash most of the time on/between map load(it doesnt if i remove the powers, which are working fine anyways), is there some crash or debug file to know what is causing it?

dorkster commented 3 years ago

We don't generate crash dumps, but you could try looking at the flare_log.txt file in the settings folder for some insight.

r-a-cristian-93 commented 3 years ago

Another question, Flare is crashing on me after giving a monster a few powers i created; it crash most of the time on/between map load(it doesnt if i remove the powers, which are working fine anyways), is there some crash or debug file to know what is causing it?

@Danimal696, if you still have this problem i would try to debug it if you would upload in in github.

Danimal696 commented 3 years ago

Hello again, i want to mod a few powers and i have some doubts:

-Some of them use a corpse as ammo, i would like for them to trigger where the corpse was, attribute is like this: power.starting_pos | ["source", "target", "melee"] | Start position for hazard Source makes it fire at my feet, target at the mouse and melee just in front, its possible at all to use the corpse position?

-Next is shield power (the force field one), can it be made that while shielded any enemy that attacks you get stunned, or a fireball gets fired as a counter, and when its destroyed a nova spell or other is auto used? (doesnt have to be everything at the same time).

As always thanks for your help.

dorkster commented 3 years ago

Source makes it fire at my feet, target at the mouse and melee just in front, its possible at all to use the corpse position?

Sorry, but there's no option to do that currently.

can it be made that while shielded any enemy that attacks you get stunned, or a fireball gets fired as a counter, and when its destroyed a nova spell or other is auto used?

This might be possible with a passive power that has passive_trigger=on_hit. The passive would have a post_power to trigger the hazard that would stun or release a damage nova. Shooting a fireball might not work since it wouldn't target the enemy. I'm also not sure if its possible to trigger it only when shielded, so this may not work at all.

Danimal696 commented 3 years ago

The corpse is properly destroyed when the power is used, cant that be used in some way? i would like to add some gore after a corpse is used

_power.post_power | powerid, int : Power, Chance to cast | Trigger a power if the hazard did damage. For 'block' type powers, this power will be triggered when the blocker takes damage.

Maybe this?

dorkster commented 3 years ago

Nope. Using post_power won't position the power at the corpse's position. We'd need to implement a way for starting_pos to target the used corpse.

Danimal696 commented 3 years ago

That would be nice; but what about the "block" part? could it be used to expand the shield functions?

dorkster commented 3 years ago

Oh, when you said "shielded", I was thinking of the magic shield power. Putting a post_power on a block power should do the trick. I think the fireball example still has the same issue, though.

Danimal696 commented 3 years ago

Sorry i meant the magic shield power, not the block power that physical shields (like iron) had in "alpha mod". So, its not possible to track the magic shield is still active and use a post-power when receiving damage?. The aiming of a counter-spell after attacking the magic shield would not be necessary if a nova or an area of effect spell triggers.

dorkster commented 3 years ago

So, its not possible to track the magic shield is still active and use a post-power when receiving damage?

Unfortunately, that's not possible.

Danimal696 commented 3 years ago

Rats, but, its possible (and if so, how) to create a power that will last for XX time, increase defense agaisnt several types of damage (adding more types as it level up), fires a nova when character receives damage (while power counter is still active) and lastly creates an unrelated but useful magic shield?

Sorry about all of this questioning, im still quite green in everything power related and i want to create a few new ones.

dorkster commented 3 years ago

This took me a bit to figure out, and the nova-on-hit requires it to be two powers:

# powers/powers.txt

# This is the power that the player will cast. It lasts 10 seconds
name=Test Buff
# Increase "fire" resistance by 50%. simply add more for other damage types
# Add a 100 HP magical shield
# This was the tricky bit. Basically we buff a primary stat dedicated to the nova power.

# This is basically the "Burn" power from flare-game, just as a passive with passive_trigger=on_hit
name=Test Passive
# engine/primary_stats.txt
# Note the APPEND here. We want to inherit the other stats like Physical and Mental that are defined in the engine's default mod.

# Here we create the primary stat that we'll want to buff. 
name=Nova Power
# powers/trees/default.txt

# Again, this the power that the player will cast

# The passive nova power, which will stay locked until we buff the nova stat via the active power
Danimal696 commented 3 years ago

Good day Dorkster, its been some time, i have a couple of questions you migth help with, if its possible . I cant seem to understand how terrain change works( an ex. i took from Empirean ):

cave-in event
msg=The walls collapse inward and rubble blocks off the passage!

What i want is to open a double door with a switch or just have it open already when i enter the map, via previous event that happened somewhere else. Their location is 40,12 and 41,12 for both sides of the door and have a collision applied.

Next would be my use of events, i think im overusing them; i normally go like this:

topic=Greywold wants to experiment
him= Kiddo!, did you know that in a faraway country they use chitin plates to make armor? Its said they are light and sturdy, i saw a pretty hard looking antlion bastard at the mine with a nice shell. Kill it and ill give you whatever armor i manage to make!, now go and crunch those pesky antlions in my iron mine!.

msg=Quest added PROCURE CHITIN.

topic=Chitin plates delivery
him= Excellent! Wait a bit and you will see what i can do!

#Remove Chitin


Is it fine to keep doing it like this? Thanks for always helping

just one more thing, its possible to create a potion that increases your unspent number of stats/power points (or reward_X=1 event?)?

dorkster commented 3 years ago

The mapmod property changes individual tiles, and requires the following values: layer name, tile X, tile Y, tile ID. A tile ID of 0 will remove a tile.

The double-doors in the dungeon tileset require several tiles to be changed to open, so let's break it down into chunks. Multiple tiles can be separated by semicolons, but I will put each tile on its own line to make it easier to read

# remove a 2x2 square of collision tiles

# remove the closed door tiles

# replace some wall tiles with the open door tiles

# also, you may want to change the tile of the switch if that's relevant
# replace X and Y with the position of the switch

FYI: This may be useful for determining tile IDs.

I realize this is all a bit tedious. Tiled has recently introduced a scripting API that looks like it might be capable of automating some of this.

Your usage of events looks completely normal.

Unfortunately, allocated stat points are tied to the player's level. So there's currently no way to give stat points in the way you describe.

Danimal696 commented 3 years ago

Hiya Dorkster, i would like your opinion on something; im creating a world map that would be a substitute to your Hyperspace. it works as a common map but the background is a antique looking map downloaded from OGA, i tried to get in it Tiled, it didnt go well, Tile doesnt want to get any image bigger than 1600(or around) pixels and i if walk to the upper half it dissapears completly. I guess cutting it into pieces could work, but first test (4 pieces) had the pieces not align well at the seams. Could i make it a NPC that cover the whole map? do you think of any other solution or a different take?.


dorkster commented 3 years ago

Maybe Flare's parallax layers would work? In fact, the Hyperspace map uses this for the space background. You can set the speed to 0 so that it behaves like a normal layer relative to the camera.

Alternatively, if you're not attached to having the player move around on the map: You may want to try creating the map as a book so that it functions as a menu.

Danimal696 commented 3 years ago

i tried making it an npc, work wells but when the player walks to the upper half it goes "under" the map. Thanks, i will try to make a parallax

Danimal696 commented 3 years ago

Dorkster, its possible to make a power that teleports to a specific map and location? i want to make one that takes player to the "World map", if not, some workaround like summoning an npc portal?

dorkster commented 3 years ago

The Perdition Scroll in empyrean_campaign is an example of that. It consists of 3 parts:

So if you just need a power, you can omit the first component.

Danimal696 commented 3 years ago

That worked well, one more question, the stone/arrow. As far as i can see i need to create all ranger skills as "meta" or empty powers and then replace those with basically the same power but using the gfx line for stone/arrow?. If its like that i think ill drop the stone/sling althogether, since i have planned 11 ranged powers with 5 level of upgrade each (so 55 x 2). Its like that?

I think maybe making all arrow skills need the equipment tag of "bow" would be better? that way sling cannot use skills and is just a starter/backup weapon and i wont have to create metas + duplicates of everything.

dorkster commented 3 years ago

That's correct. I think your solution of giving slingshots limited access to ranged powers is reasonable.

Danimal696 commented 3 years ago

One more, when making enemies you declare their damage stats by stat=dmg_melee_min,2/stat=dmg_melee_max,12, thats one is for physical, so if i give them a skill that is "ranged", what damage is applied? is phys used or does it get minimal damage output since ranged damage is not declared? same por mental.

dorkster commented 3 years ago

Ranged would be dmg_ranged_min and dmg_ranged_max. Mental would be dmg_ment_min and dmg_ment_max.

These are all defined in engine/damage_types.txt: https://github.com/flareteam/flare-engine/blob/master/mods/default/engine/damage_types.txt

Danimal696 commented 3 years ago

Yes, i already knew that, my question is, i have a wolf with only physical damage declared; If i give it a ranged or magical skill (which damage values not declared) will the physical value be used or will the skill cause no damage since the base value it uses its not present in the wolf?.

dorkster commented 3 years ago

The base_damage property of the Power determines which damage type to use. Its value is equal to the id property of a damage type. So base_damage=melee would use dmg_melee_min and dmg_melee_max. The min and max damage default to 1 if the stats aren't defined for a creature.

You can also use the modifier_damage property of the Power to change the damage output. So if you wanted 10-20 damage regardless of the Power's damage type, you could use modifier_damage=absolute,10,20

Danimal696 commented 3 years ago

Hello Dorkster, i did a first release of my mod, but Unix/Linux users are having problems, i fear its because it was based on a version newer than the one posted in the homepage (you gave me a nigthly build long ago); its possible you can make a new updated build they can test with? Its weird i can go upstairs (map changing) in Windows but a Unix/Linux user cant (maybe its something else?)

dorkster commented 3 years ago

Here's an Linux build of the latest version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VCyspHemW3pM1eh3vh1dFDi_LF7k4MwX/view?usp=sharing

I'm not sure why changing maps wouldn't work, but it would be helpful to see their log file (located at ~/.config/flare/flare_log.txt)

Danimal696 commented 3 years ago

could you provide for windows as well? Thanks a lot

dorkster commented 3 years ago

Here's the Windows build (just the engine): https://drive.google.com/file/d/15wuhWwr0lmOD784oZPtu3D3Yv58Jfgq8/view?usp=sharing

Danimal696 commented 3 years ago

You have my thanks, you can check it if you want in:

https://opengameart.org/forumtopic/heresy-a-flare-mod-first-act-released#comment-92057 or: https://forum.freegamedev.net/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=14397

Danimal696 commented 3 years ago

Dorkster, a few error pop up when running the windows version: missing libdeflate.dll, libjbig-0.dll, libssp-0.dll

dorkster commented 3 years ago

Sorry about that. I updated the zip to include those (link should be the same): https://drive.google.com/file/d/15wuhWwr0lmOD784oZPtu3D3Yv58Jfgq8/view?usp=sharing

I'll double-check the Linux binary to see if I missed deps there as well. EDIT: Looks like only Windows was missing dependencies.

Danimal696 commented 3 years ago

Sorry for disturbing you again, this is the log from the person who cant change maps:

Flare log file

INFO: Flare 1.11.89 (Linux) INFO: main: PATH_CONF = '/home/f/.config/flare/' INFO: main: PATH_USER = '/home/f/.local/share/flare/' INFO: main: PATH_DATA = './' INFO: Active mods: default, fantasycore (1.11.07), empyrean_campaign (1.11.19), HERESY INFO: MessageEngine: Using language 'en' INFO: InputState: No joysticks were found. INFO: Using Render Device: SDLHardwareRenderDevice (hardware, SDL 2, x11) INFO: RenderDevice: 1 display(s), using display 0 (1280x800 @ 60hz) INFO: RenderDevice: Internal render size is 960x600 INFO: RenderDevice: Window size is 1280x800 INFO: RenderDevice: Fullscreen=0, Hardware surfaces=1, Vsync=1, Texture Filter=1 INFO: RenderDevice: Display DPI is 98.206894 INFO: SoundManager: Using SDLSoundManager (SDL2, pulseaudio) INFO: GameStateCutscene: Loading cutscene 'cutscenes/intro.txt' INFO: GameStateCutscene: No scenes defined in cutscene file cutscenes/intro.txt ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/animations/avatar/female/ladle.txt:57] AnimationSet: Frame count 6 != 0 for matching animation in animations/hero.txt ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/animations/avatar/female/pot_helmet.txt:57] AnimationSet: Frame count 6 != 0 for matching animation in animations/hero.txt ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/animations/avatar/female/pot_lid.txt:57] AnimationSet: Frame count 6 != 0 for matching animation in animations/hero.txt ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/powers.txt:1202] PowerManager: '' is not a valid key ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:33] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:43] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:55] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:100] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:145] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:195] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:205] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:206] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:255] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:265] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:277] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:287] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:297] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:309] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:319] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:330] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:340] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:353] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:363] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:374] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:384] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:397] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:417] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:462] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:508] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:555] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:565] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:575] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:585] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:599] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:609] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:619] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:630] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:640] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:650] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:663] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:673] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:683] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:694] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:704] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:714] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:726] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:736] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:746] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:756] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:766] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:784] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:791] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:803] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:849] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:895] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:941] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:951] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:961] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:971] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:983] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:993] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1003] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1013] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1027] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1037] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1048] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1058] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1072] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1082] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1093] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1103] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1114] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1124] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1138] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1148] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1159] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1169] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1180] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1190] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1203] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1213] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1223] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1234] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1244] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1257] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1267] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1277] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1287] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1299] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1309] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1319] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1330] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1340] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1350] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1362] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1372] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1382] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1393] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1403] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1413] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1427] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1438] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1448] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1460] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1470] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1480] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1493] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1503] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1513] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1525] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1535] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1545] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1557] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1567] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1580] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1590] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1600] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1614] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1624] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1634] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1648] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1658] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1668] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead. INFO: Map: Loading map 'maps/Act1ChurchCellar.txt' ERROR: Map: Hero spawn position (hero_pos) not defined in map header. Defaulting to (0,0). ERROR: SDLHardwareRenderDevice: Couldn't load image: 'images/tilesets/tiled_dungeon_2x2.png'. SDL_RWFromFile(): No file or no mode specified ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/animations/avatar/female/ladle.txt:57] AnimationSet: Frame count 6 != 0 for matching animation in animations/hero.txt ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/animations/avatar/female/pot_helmet.txt:57] AnimationSet: Frame count 6 != 0 for matching animation in animations/hero.txt ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/animations/avatar/female/pot_lid.txt:57] AnimationSet: Frame count 6 != 0 for matching animation in animations/hero.txt

dorkster commented 3 years ago

Of course, the actual error (invalid map file name) is something that the engine isn't logging :) I'll add an appropriate log message for this.

The intermap event is failing because everything that's not Windows is case sensitive. Instead of intermap=maps/Act1triston.txt, it should be intermap=maps/Act1Triston.txt. This is why we don't use uppercase in our mod file names. It's easier to do the same thing across the board.

Danimal696 commented 3 years ago

Hello again; I did all the renaming and Linux users seems to run well now, but there is a new problem, potions are not working well, the error seems tied to a power problem i cant tell, worked fine previously:

[power] id=100 type=fixed icon=112 name=Small health Potion soundfx=soundfx/powers/potion.ogg new_state=instant requires_item=2 cooldown=1000ms buff=true post_effect=hp_restore,25,33ms

There is also the matter of powers hidden behind a status trigger not appearing at all, i guess it has to do with this error:

ERROR: [/home/f/.local/share/flare/mods/HERESY/powers/trees/default.txt:1658] MenuPowers: visible_requires_status is deprecated. Use requires_status and visible_when_locked=false instead

Could you give me a sample of how to do it now?, thanks for all your help as always.

dorkster commented 3 years ago

The visible_requires_status message is related to the bug in question. But to fix that warning, you would replace visible_requires_status=WIP with:


The actual cause of the potion bug was actually an engine regression. I changed how HP/MP/damage over time tick, but didn't account for effects with a duration less than 1 second.

Updated Windows build: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1myYIuAtB7r6Lus2WOJGbL16xO_jf90is/view?usp=sharing Updated Linux build: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yznO8JDsjt7kGtOr7ySJoTT3abp3JbYd/view?usp=sharing

Danimal696 commented 3 years ago

Hello again:


Its not working, all powers are hidden, its like "requires status" ignores the given status, "visible_when_locked=true" shows the power, so its like it is locked regardless of the status. I made sure the status matched the one being required. The place im using these is into "powers/trees/default.txt"

dorkster commented 3 years ago

Sorry, I guess this was on oversight on my part. It's technically working correctly, since the power is hidden due to non-status requirements. I think what we need is a visible_check_status property, which would default to false. For consistency, the visible_when_locked property should then become visible_check_locked and also default to false.

# only hide the power if status/not_status check fails

# hide the power if all checks (including status) fail
# useless if requires_point=true is used
Danimal696 commented 3 years ago

So, what do i need to do? All skills are "requires_point=true" (except for world map teleport), both cases dont work for me in that case

dorkster commented 3 years ago

You can't do anything right now because I need to fix this feature in the engine :)

But my goal is to make it so that the following will work as you desire:

Danimal696 commented 3 years ago

Thanks, i made it a mechanic so initial classes branch and you get abilities based on what you choose (like necromancer sumoning undead/curses or druid animals/totems). Sorry for being so imposing on you.

dorkster commented 3 years ago

It should be fixed now. It will even works with the archive you posted on the OGA forums that still uses visible_requires_status. You should still change it to the new style with visible_check_status=true, because the old syntax will eventually be removed.

Here are some updated builds: WIndows: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MMqhtKF5BhDyok8Tu-clr0fBZmSdEQ4S/view?usp=sharing Linux: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Yvi0_6uhPennps8DSWsABOk0NaFYIFV2/view?usp=sharing

Danimal696 commented 3 years ago

Working! :)

Danimal696 commented 3 years ago

Found a bug, or maybe a new feature?, when player is cloacked/stealthed enemy hp regen goes into overdrive.

dorkster commented 3 years ago

I noticed that as well when using the DEV boots in flare-game. It appears to be a side effect to some AI changes I made a while back in regards to enemies entering/leaving the "combat" state.

I made a patch that makes sure the enemy is outside the far threat_range before doing the regen, but I'll investigate the AI changes more closely.

Windows: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_SzRi5R4w6z8gJXiNT2g2FpVqkO20qer/view?usp=sharing Linux: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Yvi0_6uhPennps8DSWsABOk0NaFYIFV2/view?usp=sharing

Danimal696 commented 3 years ago

Hello again Dorskter, i was wondering, do you have access to Flare homepage? It might be a good time to update all engine download links and current mods. Mine had a good reception (in FreeGameDev at least), i would be delighted if it was included in there and both Flare and my mod could use the extra visibility of having something new.

dorkster commented 3 years ago

We're very close to 1.12 being done, so I plan on making an announcement on the site with a release candidate and string freeze at the beginning of July. There's quite a few new strings in both the engine and game, so I plan on giving translators a 1-2 month period to submit their updates, followed by the full release of 1.12.

dorkster commented 3 years ago

Also, since your mod requires the latest Flare, I will wait until 1.12's release to add it to the Mods page.