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MariaDB 10.2.7+ nullable date/time (Invalid default value for 'notifications_read_time') #1211

Closed uidHUB closed 6 years ago

uidHUB commented 7 years ago

Bug report

Getting this error when trying to install:

Something went wrong: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1067 Invalid default value for 'notifications_read_time' (SQL: ALTER TABLE main_users CHANGE notification_read_time notifications_read_time DATETIME DEFAULT 'NULL')


UPDATE: Adding composer show

components/font-awesome         4.7.0         The iconic font designed for use with Twitter Bootstrap.
danielstjules/stringy           1.10.0        A string manipulation library with multibyte support
dflydev/fig-cookies             v1.0.2        Cookies for PSR-7 HTTP Message Interface.
doctrine/annotations            v1.5.0        Docblock Annotations Parser
doctrine/cache                  v1.7.0        Caching library offering an object-oriented API for many cache backends
doctrine/collections            v1.5.0        Collections Abstraction library
doctrine/common                 v2.8.0        Common Library for Doctrine projects
doctrine/dbal                   v2.6.0        Database Abstraction Layer
doctrine/inflector              v1.2.0        Common String Manipulations with regard to casing and singular/plural rules.
doctrine/lexer                  v1.0.1        Base library for a lexer that can be used in Top-Down, Recursive Descent Parsers.
filp/whoops                     2.1.9         php error handling for cool kids
flarum/core                     v0.1.0-beta.7 Delightfully simple forum software.
flarum/flarum-ext-akismet       v0.1.0-beta.6 Stop spam using the Akismet anti-spam service.
flarum/flarum-ext-approval      v0.1.0-beta.7 Make discussions and posts require moderator approval.
flarum/flarum-ext-auth-facebook v0.1.0-beta.6 Allow users to log in with Facebook.
flarum/flarum-ext-auth-github   v0.1.0-beta.6 Allow users to log in with GitHub.
flarum/flarum-ext-auth-twitter  v0.1.0-beta.6 Allow users to log in with Twitter.
flarum/flarum-ext-bbcode        v0.1.0-beta.5 Allow posts to be formatted with BBCode.
flarum/flarum-ext-emoji         v0.1.0-beta.6 Convert text and unicode emoji into Twemoji.
flarum/flarum-ext-english       v0.1.0-beta.7 English language pack.
flarum/flarum-ext-flags         v0.1.0-beta.7 Allow users to flag posts for moderator review.
flarum/flarum-ext-likes         v0.1.0-beta.6 Allow users to like posts.
flarum/flarum-ext-lock          v0.1.0-beta.7 End a discussion and don't let anyone add further replies.
flarum/flarum-ext-markdown      v0.1.0-beta.5 Allow posts to be formatted with Markdown.
flarum/flarum-ext-mentions      v0.1.0-beta.7 Mention and reply to specific posts and users.
flarum/flarum-ext-pusher        v0.1.0-beta.6 See new discussions and posts in real-time using Pusher.
flarum/flarum-ext-sticky        v0.1.0-beta.7 Pin discussions to the top of the list.
flarum/flarum-ext-subscriptions v0.1.0-beta.6 Allow users to follow discussions and receive notifications for new posts.
flarum/flarum-ext-suspend       v0.1.0-beta.7 Suspend users so they can't post.
flarum/flarum-ext-tags          v0.1.0-beta.8 Organize discussions into a hierarchy of tags and categories.
franzl/studio                   0.11.2        Develop your Composer libraries with style
franzl/whoops-middleware        0.4.1        
guzzlehttp/guzzle               6.3.0         Guzzle is a PHP HTTP client library
guzzlehttp/promises             v1.3.1        Guzzle promises library
guzzlehttp/psr7                 1.4.2         PSR-7 message implementation that also provides common utility methods
http-interop/http-middleware    0.2.0         Common interface for HTTP middleware
illuminate/bus                  v5.1.41       The Illuminate Bus package.
illuminate/cache                v5.1.41       The Illuminate Cache package.
illuminate/config               v5.1.41       The Illuminate Config package.
illuminate/container            v5.1.41       The Illuminate Container package.
illuminate/contracts            v5.1.41       The Illuminate Contracts package.
illuminate/database             v5.1.41       The Illuminate Database package.
illuminate/events               v5.1.41       The Illuminate Events package.
illuminate/filesystem           v5.1.41       The Illuminate Filesystem package.
illuminate/hashing              v5.1.41       The Illuminate Hashing package.
illuminate/mail                 v5.1.41       The Illuminate Mail package.
illuminate/pipeline             v5.1.41       The Illuminate Pipeline package.
illuminate/support              v5.1.41       The Illuminate Support package.
illuminate/validation           v5.1.41       The Illuminate Validation package.
illuminate/view                 v5.1.41       The Illuminate View package.
intervention/image              2.4.0         Image handling and manipulation library with support for Laravel integration
ircmaxell/random-lib            v1.2.0        A Library For Generating Secure Random Numbers
ircmaxell/security-lib          v1.1.0        A Base Security Library
league/flysystem                1.0.40        Filesystem abstraction: Many filesystems, one API.
league/oauth1-client            1.7.0         OAuth 1.0 Client Library
league/oauth2-client            1.4.2         OAuth 2.0 Client Library
league/oauth2-facebook          1.4.5         Facebook OAuth 2.0 Client Provider for The PHP League OAuth2-Client
league/oauth2-github            0.2.2         Github OAuth 2.0 Client Provider for The PHP League OAuth2-Client
matthiasmullie/minify           1.3.46        CSS & JS minifier
matthiasmullie/path-converter   1.1.0         Relative path converter
monolog/monolog                 1.23.0        Sends your logs to files, sockets, inboxes, databases and various web services
nesbot/carbon                   1.22.1        A simple API extension for DateTime.
nikic/fast-route                v0.6.0        Fast request router for PHP
oyejorge/less.php               v1.7.0.14     PHP port of the Javascript version of LESS http://lesscss.org (Originally maintained by Josh Schmidt)
paragonie/random_compat         v1.4.2        PHP 5.x polyfill for random_bytes() and random_int() from PHP 7
psr/http-message                1.0.1         Common interface for HTTP messages
psr/log                         1.0.2         Common interface for logging libraries
pusher/pusher-php-server        2.6.4         Library for interacting with the Pusher REST API
s9e/text-formatter              0.8.5         Multi-purpose text formatting and markup library. Plugins offer support for BBCodes, Markdown, emoticons, HTML, embedding media (YouTube, e...
swiftmailer/swiftmailer         v5.4.8        Swiftmailer, free feature-rich PHP mailer
symfony/console                 v2.8.25       Symfony Console Component
symfony/debug                   v2.7.32       Symfony Debug Component
symfony/filesystem              v3.3.5        Symfony Filesystem Component
symfony/finder                  v2.7.32       Symfony Finder Component
symfony/http-foundation         v2.7.32       Symfony HttpFoundation Component
symfony/polyfill-mbstring       v1.4.0        Symfony polyfill for the Mbstring extension
symfony/process                 v3.3.5        Symfony Process Component
symfony/translation             v2.7.32       Symfony Translation Component
symfony/yaml                    v2.8.25       Symfony Yaml Component
tijsverkoyen/akismet            1.1.1         Akismet is a wrapper-class to communicate with the Akismet API.
tobscure/json-api               v0.3.0        JSON-API responses in PHP
zendframework/zend-diactoros    1.4.0         PSR HTTP Message implementations
zendframework/zend-escaper      2.5.2        
zendframework/zend-stratigility 1.3.3         Middleware for PHP
franzliedke commented 7 years ago

I can't reproduce this, with a slightly older MariaDB version. Can anybody else reproduce it?

@KitsuneSolar Could you please post the output of composer show?

luceos commented 7 years ago

@franzliedke in preparation of beta 7 I installed on the same Mariadb version, but didn't see this pop up. I'll take another look.

luceos commented 7 years ago

Tested on

Lol good thing I decided to also upgrade PHP as a test. So most likely this is caused by the PHP 7.1 pdo mysql library.

tobyzerner commented 7 years ago

That's bizarre

luceos commented 7 years ago

Also what strikes me as an obvious problem is the fact that the default value NULL is injected into the statement as 'NULL' I am not completely sure this is an issue though.

tobyzerner commented 7 years ago

Oh I didn't even notice that! That would be the issue indeed. Can you confirm it is purely a PHP problem (does it work with php 7.1.7 + MySQL?)

franzliedke commented 7 years ago

I thought that is the issue. And had hoped it's due to a bug in the specific version of doctrine/dbal etc.

luceos commented 7 years ago

Brew is now installing mysql server. I'll let you know in a sec.

luceos commented 7 years ago

PHP 7.1.7 + MySQL 5.7.19 mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.19, for osx10.12 (x86_64) using EditLine wrapper


uidHUB commented 7 years ago

Also, error reproducible: https://discuss.flarum.org/d/6342-mysql-error-on-install

franzliedke commented 7 years ago

@KitsuneSolar Again, please post the output of composer show

uidHUB commented 7 years ago

@franzliedke sorry.

components/font-awesome         4.7.0         The iconic font designed for use with Twitter Bootstrap.
danielstjules/stringy           1.10.0        A string manipulation library with multibyte support
dflydev/fig-cookies             v1.0.2        Cookies for PSR-7 HTTP Message Interface.
doctrine/annotations            v1.5.0        Docblock Annotations Parser
doctrine/cache                  v1.7.0        Caching library offering an object-oriented API for many cache backends
doctrine/collections            v1.5.0        Collections Abstraction library
doctrine/common                 v2.8.0        Common Library for Doctrine projects
doctrine/dbal                   v2.6.0        Database Abstraction Layer
doctrine/inflector              v1.2.0        Common String Manipulations with regard to casing and singular/plural rules.
doctrine/lexer                  v1.0.1        Base library for a lexer that can be used in Top-Down, Recursive Descent Parsers.
filp/whoops                     2.1.9         php error handling for cool kids
flarum/core                     v0.1.0-beta.7 Delightfully simple forum software.
flarum/flarum-ext-akismet       v0.1.0-beta.6 Stop spam using the Akismet anti-spam service.
flarum/flarum-ext-approval      v0.1.0-beta.7 Make discussions and posts require moderator approval.
flarum/flarum-ext-auth-facebook v0.1.0-beta.6 Allow users to log in with Facebook.
flarum/flarum-ext-auth-github   v0.1.0-beta.6 Allow users to log in with GitHub.
flarum/flarum-ext-auth-twitter  v0.1.0-beta.6 Allow users to log in with Twitter.
flarum/flarum-ext-bbcode        v0.1.0-beta.5 Allow posts to be formatted with BBCode.
flarum/flarum-ext-emoji         v0.1.0-beta.6 Convert text and unicode emoji into Twemoji.
flarum/flarum-ext-english       v0.1.0-beta.7 English language pack.
flarum/flarum-ext-flags         v0.1.0-beta.7 Allow users to flag posts for moderator review.
flarum/flarum-ext-likes         v0.1.0-beta.6 Allow users to like posts.
flarum/flarum-ext-lock          v0.1.0-beta.7 End a discussion and don't let anyone add further replies.
flarum/flarum-ext-markdown      v0.1.0-beta.5 Allow posts to be formatted with Markdown.
flarum/flarum-ext-mentions      v0.1.0-beta.7 Mention and reply to specific posts and users.
flarum/flarum-ext-pusher        v0.1.0-beta.6 See new discussions and posts in real-time using Pusher.
flarum/flarum-ext-sticky        v0.1.0-beta.7 Pin discussions to the top of the list.
flarum/flarum-ext-subscriptions v0.1.0-beta.6 Allow users to follow discussions and receive notifications for new posts.
flarum/flarum-ext-suspend       v0.1.0-beta.7 Suspend users so they can't post.
flarum/flarum-ext-tags          v0.1.0-beta.8 Organize discussions into a hierarchy of tags and categories.
franzl/studio                   0.11.2        Develop your Composer libraries with style
franzl/whoops-middleware        0.4.1        
guzzlehttp/guzzle               6.3.0         Guzzle is a PHP HTTP client library
guzzlehttp/promises             v1.3.1        Guzzle promises library
guzzlehttp/psr7                 1.4.2         PSR-7 message implementation that also provides common utility methods
http-interop/http-middleware    0.2.0         Common interface for HTTP middleware
illuminate/bus                  v5.1.41       The Illuminate Bus package.
illuminate/cache                v5.1.41       The Illuminate Cache package.
illuminate/config               v5.1.41       The Illuminate Config package.
illuminate/container            v5.1.41       The Illuminate Container package.
illuminate/contracts            v5.1.41       The Illuminate Contracts package.
illuminate/database             v5.1.41       The Illuminate Database package.
illuminate/events               v5.1.41       The Illuminate Events package.
illuminate/filesystem           v5.1.41       The Illuminate Filesystem package.
illuminate/hashing              v5.1.41       The Illuminate Hashing package.
illuminate/mail                 v5.1.41       The Illuminate Mail package.
illuminate/pipeline             v5.1.41       The Illuminate Pipeline package.
illuminate/support              v5.1.41       The Illuminate Support package.
illuminate/validation           v5.1.41       The Illuminate Validation package.
illuminate/view                 v5.1.41       The Illuminate View package.
intervention/image              2.4.0         Image handling and manipulation library with support for Laravel integration
ircmaxell/random-lib            v1.2.0        A Library For Generating Secure Random Numbers
ircmaxell/security-lib          v1.1.0        A Base Security Library
league/flysystem                1.0.40        Filesystem abstraction: Many filesystems, one API.
league/oauth1-client            1.7.0         OAuth 1.0 Client Library
league/oauth2-client            1.4.2         OAuth 2.0 Client Library
league/oauth2-facebook          1.4.5         Facebook OAuth 2.0 Client Provider for The PHP League OAuth2-Client
league/oauth2-github            0.2.2         Github OAuth 2.0 Client Provider for The PHP League OAuth2-Client
matthiasmullie/minify           1.3.46        CSS & JS minifier
matthiasmullie/path-converter   1.1.0         Relative path converter
monolog/monolog                 1.23.0        Sends your logs to files, sockets, inboxes, databases and various web services
nesbot/carbon                   1.22.1        A simple API extension for DateTime.
nikic/fast-route                v0.6.0        Fast request router for PHP
oyejorge/less.php               v1.7.0.14     PHP port of the Javascript version of LESS http://lesscss.org (Originally maintained by Josh Schmidt)
paragonie/random_compat         v1.4.2        PHP 5.x polyfill for random_bytes() and random_int() from PHP 7
psr/http-message                1.0.1         Common interface for HTTP messages
psr/log                         1.0.2         Common interface for logging libraries
pusher/pusher-php-server        2.6.4         Library for interacting with the Pusher REST API
s9e/text-formatter              0.8.5         Multi-purpose text formatting and markup library. Plugins offer support for BBCodes, Markdown, emoticons, HTML, embedding media (YouTube, e...
swiftmailer/swiftmailer         v5.4.8        Swiftmailer, free feature-rich PHP mailer
symfony/console                 v2.8.25       Symfony Console Component
symfony/debug                   v2.7.32       Symfony Debug Component
symfony/filesystem              v3.3.5        Symfony Filesystem Component
symfony/finder                  v2.7.32       Symfony Finder Component
symfony/http-foundation         v2.7.32       Symfony HttpFoundation Component
symfony/polyfill-mbstring       v1.4.0        Symfony polyfill for the Mbstring extension
symfony/process                 v3.3.5        Symfony Process Component
symfony/translation             v2.7.32       Symfony Translation Component
symfony/yaml                    v2.8.25       Symfony Yaml Component
tijsverkoyen/akismet            1.1.1         Akismet is a wrapper-class to communicate with the Akismet API.
tobscure/json-api               v0.3.0        JSON-API responses in PHP
zendframework/zend-diactoros    1.4.0         PSR HTTP Message implementations
zendframework/zend-escaper      2.5.2        
zendframework/zend-stratigility 1.3.3         Middleware for PHP
franzliedke commented 7 years ago

Can you do composer require doctrine/dbal v2.5.13 and see whether that works, please?

uidHUB commented 7 years ago

Sorry, I do not know much about Composer. :(

composer require doctrine/dbal v2.5.13
./composer.json has been updated
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.

  Problem 1
    - Installation request for doctrine/dbal v2.5.13 -> satisfiable by doctrine/dbal[v2.5.13].
    - Conclusion: remove doctrine/common v2.8.0
    - Conclusion: don't install doctrine/common v2.8.0
    - doctrine/dbal v2.5.13 requires doctrine/common >=2.4,<2.8-dev -> satisfiable by doctrine/common[2.4.0-RC1, 2.4.0-RC2, 2.4.0-RC3, 2.4.0-RC4, v2.4.0, v2.4.1, v2.4.2, v2.4.3, v2.5.0, v2.5.0-beta1, v2.5.1, v2.5.2, v2.5.3, v2.6.0, v2.6.1, v2.6.2, v2.7.0, v2.7.1, v2.7.2, v2.7.3].
    - Can only install one of: doctrine/common[v2.7.1, v2.8.0].
    - Can only install one of: doctrine/common[v2.7.2, v2.8.0].
    - Can only install one of: doctrine/common[v2.7.3, v2.8.0].
    - Can only install one of: doctrine/common[2.4.0-RC1, v2.8.0].
    - Can only install one of: doctrine/common[2.4.0-RC2, v2.8.0].
    - Can only install one of: doctrine/common[2.4.0-RC3, v2.8.0].
    - Can only install one of: doctrine/common[2.4.0-RC4, v2.8.0].
    - Can only install one of: doctrine/common[v2.4.0, v2.8.0].
    - Can only install one of: doctrine/common[v2.4.1, v2.8.0].
    - Can only install one of: doctrine/common[v2.4.2, v2.8.0].
    - Can only install one of: doctrine/common[v2.4.3, v2.8.0].
    - Can only install one of: doctrine/common[v2.5.0, v2.8.0].
    - Can only install one of: doctrine/common[v2.5.0-beta1, v2.8.0].
    - Can only install one of: doctrine/common[v2.5.1, v2.8.0].
    - Can only install one of: doctrine/common[v2.5.2, v2.8.0].
    - Can only install one of: doctrine/common[v2.5.3, v2.8.0].
    - Can only install one of: doctrine/common[v2.6.0, v2.8.0].
    - Can only install one of: doctrine/common[v2.6.1, v2.8.0].
    - Can only install one of: doctrine/common[v2.6.2, v2.8.0].
    - Can only install one of: doctrine/common[v2.7.0, v2.8.0].
    - Installation request for doctrine/common (locked at v2.8.0) -> satisfiable by doctrine/common[v2.8.0].

Installation failed, reverting ./composer.json to its original content.
franzliedke commented 7 years ago

Hmm, I tried it with v2.6.0 and it worked just fine for me. So it probably is related to MariaDB.

sijad commented 7 years ago

I have same problem.

small workaround, use with caution! open vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Platforms/AbstractPlatform.php and replace following lines (line 2253 and 2255):

$default = empty($field['notnull']) ? ' DEFAULT NULL' : '';

if (isset($field['default'])) {


$default = empty($field['notnull']) || $field['default'] === 'NULL' ? ' DEFAULT NULL' : '';

if (isset($field['default']) && $field['default'] !== 'NULL') {
uidHUB commented 7 years ago

@sijad working!

Ocramius commented 7 years ago

'NULL' is not NULL. One is a string, the other one is the absence of a value in SQL terms.

This is not an issue with DBAL - we only support strings as default values.

Do not use the workaround - correct the mapping instead.

Ocramius commented 7 years ago

Also see https://github.com/doctrine/dbal/issues/2804#issuecomment-319307065

franzliedke commented 7 years ago

@Ocramius Thanks for getting back to us here, but I don't understand what you are suggesting. There are two places where we reference this column, in column creation and renaming:

Also, the error happens only with certain versions of MariaDB / dbal, so I am unsure what we should be doing wrong there...

uidHUB commented 7 years ago

Updated PHP. But error continues....

components/font-awesome         4.7.0         The iconic font designed for use with Twitter Bootstrap.
danielstjules/stringy           1.10.0        A string manipulation library with multibyte support
dflydev/fig-cookies             v1.0.2        Cookies for PSR-7 HTTP Message Interface.
doctrine/annotations            v1.5.0        Docblock Annotations Parser
doctrine/cache                  v1.7.0        Caching library offering an object-oriented API for many cache backends
doctrine/collections            v1.5.0        Collections Abstraction library
doctrine/common                 v2.8.0        Common Library for Doctrine projects
doctrine/dbal                   v2.6.1        Database Abstraction Layer
doctrine/inflector              v1.2.0        Common String Manipulations with regard to casing and singular/plural rules.
doctrine/lexer                  v1.0.1        Base library for a lexer that can be used in Top-Down, Recursive Descent Parsers.
filp/whoops                     2.1.10        php error handling for cool kids
flarum/core                     v0.1.0-beta.7 Delightfully simple forum software.
flarum/flarum-ext-akismet       v0.1.0-beta.6 Stop spam using the Akismet anti-spam service.
flarum/flarum-ext-approval      v0.1.0-beta.7 Make discussions and posts require moderator approval.
flarum/flarum-ext-auth-facebook v0.1.0-beta.6 Allow users to log in with Facebook.
flarum/flarum-ext-auth-github   v0.1.0-beta.6 Allow users to log in with GitHub.
flarum/flarum-ext-auth-twitter  v0.1.0-beta.6 Allow users to log in with Twitter.
flarum/flarum-ext-bbcode        v0.1.0-beta.5 Allow posts to be formatted with BBCode.
flarum/flarum-ext-emoji         v0.1.0-beta.6 Convert text and unicode emoji into Twemoji.
flarum/flarum-ext-english       v0.1.0-beta.7 English language pack.
flarum/flarum-ext-flags         v0.1.0-beta.7 Allow users to flag posts for moderator review.
flarum/flarum-ext-likes         v0.1.0-beta.6 Allow users to like posts.
flarum/flarum-ext-lock          v0.1.0-beta.7 End a discussion and don't let anyone add further replies.
flarum/flarum-ext-markdown      v0.1.0-beta.5 Allow posts to be formatted with Markdown.
flarum/flarum-ext-mentions      v0.1.0-beta.7 Mention and reply to specific posts and users.
flarum/flarum-ext-pusher        v0.1.0-beta.6 See new discussions and posts in real-time using Pusher.
flarum/flarum-ext-sticky        v0.1.0-beta.7 Pin discussions to the top of the list.
flarum/flarum-ext-subscriptions v0.1.0-beta.6 Allow users to follow discussions and receive notifications for new posts.
flarum/flarum-ext-suspend       v0.1.0-beta.7 Suspend users so they can't post.
flarum/flarum-ext-tags          v0.1.0-beta.8 Organize discussions into a hierarchy of tags and categories.
franzl/studio                   0.11.2        Develop your Composer libraries with style
franzl/whoops-middleware        0.4.1        
guzzlehttp/guzzle               6.3.0         Guzzle is a PHP HTTP client library
guzzlehttp/promises             v1.3.1        Guzzle promises library
guzzlehttp/psr7                 1.4.2         PSR-7 message implementation that also provides common utility methods
http-interop/http-middleware    0.2.0         Common interface for HTTP middleware
illuminate/bus                  v5.1.41       The Illuminate Bus package.
illuminate/cache                v5.1.41       The Illuminate Cache package.
illuminate/config               v5.1.41       The Illuminate Config package.
illuminate/container            v5.1.41       The Illuminate Container package.
illuminate/contracts            v5.1.41       The Illuminate Contracts package.
illuminate/database             v5.1.41       The Illuminate Database package.
illuminate/events               v5.1.41       The Illuminate Events package.
illuminate/filesystem           v5.1.41       The Illuminate Filesystem package.
illuminate/hashing              v5.1.41       The Illuminate Hashing package.
illuminate/mail                 v5.1.41       The Illuminate Mail package.
illuminate/pipeline             v5.1.41       The Illuminate Pipeline package.
illuminate/support              v5.1.41       The Illuminate Support package.
illuminate/validation           v5.1.41       The Illuminate Validation package.
illuminate/view                 v5.1.41       The Illuminate View package.
intervention/image              2.4.0         Image handling and manipulation library with support for Laravel integration
ircmaxell/random-lib            v1.2.0        A Library For Generating Secure Random Numbers
ircmaxell/security-lib          v1.1.0        A Base Security Library
league/flysystem                1.0.41        Filesystem abstraction: Many filesystems, one API.
league/oauth1-client            1.7.0         OAuth 1.0 Client Library
league/oauth2-client            1.4.2         OAuth 2.0 Client Library
league/oauth2-facebook          1.4.5         Facebook OAuth 2.0 Client Provider for The PHP League OAuth2-Client
league/oauth2-github            0.2.2         Github OAuth 2.0 Client Provider for The PHP League OAuth2-Client
matthiasmullie/minify           1.3.46        CSS & JS minifier
matthiasmullie/path-converter   1.1.0         Relative path converter
monolog/monolog                 1.23.0        Sends your logs to files, sockets, inboxes, databases and various web services
nesbot/carbon                   1.22.1        A simple API extension for DateTime.
nikic/fast-route                v0.6.0        Fast request router for PHP
oyejorge/less.php               v1.7.0.14     PHP port of the Javascript version of LESS http://lesscss.org (Originally maintained by Josh Schmidt)
paragonie/random_compat         v1.4.2        PHP 5.x polyfill for random_bytes() and random_int() from PHP 7
psr/http-message                1.0.1         Common interface for HTTP messages
psr/log                         1.0.2         Common interface for logging libraries
pusher/pusher-php-server        2.6.4         Library for interacting with the Pusher REST API
s9e/text-formatter              0.8.5         Multi-purpose text formatting and markup library. Plugins offer support for BBCodes, Markdown, emoticons, HTML, embedding media (YouTube, e...
swiftmailer/swiftmailer         v5.4.8        Swiftmailer, free feature-rich PHP mailer
symfony/console                 v2.8.26       Symfony Console Component
symfony/debug                   v2.7.33       Symfony Debug Component
symfony/filesystem              v3.3.6        Symfony Filesystem Component
symfony/finder                  v2.7.33       Symfony Finder Component
symfony/http-foundation         v2.7.33       Symfony HttpFoundation Component
symfony/polyfill-mbstring       v1.4.0        Symfony polyfill for the Mbstring extension
symfony/process                 v3.3.6        Symfony Process Component
symfony/translation             v2.7.33       Symfony Translation Component
symfony/yaml                    v2.8.26       Symfony Yaml Component
tijsverkoyen/akismet            1.1.1         Akismet is a wrapper-class to communicate with the Akismet API.
tobscure/json-api               v0.3.0        JSON-API responses in PHP
zendframework/zend-diactoros    1.4.0         PSR HTTP Message implementations
zendframework/zend-escaper      2.5.2        
zendframework/zend-stratigility 1.3.3         Middleware for PHP
dsevillamartin commented 7 years ago

@KitsuneSolar Could you maybe try PHP 7.2 (beta), to see if the problem persists? If it does, then it may be a PHP bug. If not, then you can wait for PHP 7.2 to be released.

luceos commented 7 years ago

@datitisev @KitsuneSolar as my research pointed out this is an issue specific to MariaDB 10.2.7+

uidHUB commented 7 years ago

@luceos I'm not sure what the problem is in mysql

mysql -V
mysql  Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.2.8-MariaDB, for Linux (x86_64) using readline 5.1

Problem still exists. And most likely will continue. Error somewhere in the code.

uidHUB commented 7 years ago

Can it be because of mysql strict mode? https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/sql-mode.html#sql-mode-strict

auviagroup commented 7 years ago

This is caused by new Column Schema enforced by MariaDB starting from version 10.2 and they are planing to enforce it as a standard in all upcoming versions, see https://jira.mariadb.org/browse/MDEV-13341

possible fix is in https://github.com/doctrine/dbal/pull/2825

tenten8401 commented 7 years ago

Having this problem too and it's quite annoying.

luceos commented 7 years ago

@tenten8401 starting to share you opinion. :grin:

My development has stalled due to this issue. Recently I had to reinstall Mariadb and couldn't easily add a new Flarum installation 😞

From what I've read we just have to wait for the PR @auviagroup mentioned to be merged and update asap.

nobicycle commented 7 years ago

Also confirm fresh install generates this error following composer create-project flarum/flarum . --stability=beta , then opening the website for install. Install produces:

Something went wrong: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1067 Invalid default value for 'notifications_read_time' (SQL: ALTER TABLE users CHANGE notification_read_time notifications_read_time DATETIME DEFAULT 'NULL')

formerandroider commented 6 years ago

So, is this actually going to be fixed...?

franzliedke commented 6 years ago

The Doctrine MR that fixes this has been merged, but the 2.7 branch has not seen a release yet. I am afraid we need to be patient. :cry:

luceos commented 6 years ago

I looked at this again. Taylor isn't support MariaDB officially. I think we have an issue now. See:

What I tried:

grettenberg commented 6 years ago

I am unsure where this discussion left off. I a new here, and I am more of a Linux Admin than programmer. I was working on a fresh install of Flarum using a separate 10.2.x MariaDB server cluster; php 7.1.x from remi ; Centos 7.x ; Composer 1.6.4.

The error message:

Something went wrong: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1067 Invalid default value for 'notifications_read_time' (SQL: ALTER TABLE flusers CHANGE notification_read_time notifications_read_time DATETIME DEFAULT 'NULL')

ParitoshBh commented 6 years ago

I am sort of in the same boat as you are and from the discussion above, it looks like a fix for this is being worked on here https://github.com/doctrine/dbal/pull/2825 and this PR is part of 2.7 Milestone which is yet to be released.

In short, release of 2.7 is what is required. Hope this helps!

franzliedke commented 6 years ago

Indeed, we're waiting for the new DBAL release to be finished, until then there's not much we can do, I'm afraid.

luceos commented 6 years ago

I've tried patching our migrations to make them work without 2.7. But that effort was pretty useless. I ended up moving back to MySQL for development 😊

grettenberg commented 6 years ago

Perhaps Flarum is more of a dev box project... For newer production environments, I know of no one using MySQL any more. Our Drupal 7, Drupal 8, and WordPress stacks are faster and more reliable on MariaDB, or Postgre.

We do have MySQL on our old servers, but they are all on their way to retirement.

I was hoping to use Flarum on a current WordPress site.

The environment is:

10.2.x MariaDB

7.1.x remi on CentOS 7.x

Do you know if any work is being done to correct the problem?

If so, I'd like to edit the Database instructions to include the details it lacks, including exactly what does and does not work, Character Set, and so on.

Stephen Grettenberg

Web Applications Specialist

Information Technology

University of Massachusetts, Amherst


Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.

What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have never been discovered.

From: Daniël Klabbers notifications@github.com Sent: Monday, February 12, 2018 3:51:10 AM To: flarum/core Cc: Stephen Grettenberg; Comment Subject: Re: [flarum/core] MariaDB 10.2.7+ nullable date/time (Invalid default value for 'notifications_read_time') (#1211)

I've tried patching our migrations to make them work without 2.7. But that effort was pretty useless. I ended up moving back to MySQL for development 😊

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ParitoshBh commented 6 years ago

@grettenberg I recently started using Flarum with MariaDB 10.1 with no issues at all. Although 10.2.x support is still isn't there and my production environment uses that version but considering the fact that everything (as of now) works smoothly with 10.1, I'd like to believe things will stay the way they are!

However, the documentation still needs to specify support for MariaDB to make things clear!

franzliedke commented 6 years ago

Again, we're waiting for the upstream release; until then, we should not advertise compatiblity with MariaDB.

grettenberg commented 6 years ago

This is understood. However, the documentation should reflect that. The documentation for MySQL should reflect pertinent information like Character Set and/or Collate information, or that it should not be used, amongst other settings.

Usually, MariaDB is transparent as a sub for the older slower MySQL - so posting a warning makes sense as well.

Finally, maybe a timeline. MariaDB is used extensively in production environments. It is a deal breaker - I can toss a few programmers at a problem easily enough. I can't change the primary web database environment for all my webservers for one program that wants to use a dated product.

Stephen Grettenberg

Web Applications Specialist

Information Technology

University of Massachusetts, Amherst


Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.

What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have never been discovered.

From: Franz Liedke notifications@github.com Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2018 2:24:22 PM To: flarum/core Cc: Stephen Grettenberg; Mention Subject: Re: [flarum/core] MariaDB 10.2.7+ nullable date/time (Invalid default value for 'notifications_read_time') (#1211)

Again, we're waiting for the upstream release; until then, we should not advertise compatiblity with MariaDB.

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luceos commented 6 years ago

@grettenberg Flarum is in beta. Currently everything in terms of code is fluctuating, as such keeping concise documentation is a humongous task to handle with the few dedicated staff members at hand. Feel free to assist these good folk by sending in the necessary PR's to clarify where necessary.

The art of being happy lies in the power of extracting happiness from common things. -- Henry Ward Beecher

aybru commented 6 years ago

Server: Localhost via UNIX socket Server type: MariaDB Server version: 10.2.13-MariaDB Database client version: libmysql - mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id: b5c5906d452ec590732a93b051f3827e02749b83 $

Reproduce the problem

gboor commented 6 years ago

I just ran into this issue and fixed it as follows;

1) I changed vendor/flarum/core/migrations/2015_02_24_000000_create_users_table.php to rename the offending column from notification_read_time to notifications_read_time - as apparently creation works, just alterations do not. 2) I removed vendor/flarum/core/migrations/2015_09_22_030432_rename_notification_read_time.php

Upon installing I ran into the SAME issue in a Flarum extension install - the suspend one - so I performed the same trick there;

1) I changed vendor/flarum/flarum-ext-suspend/migrations/2015_05_11_000000_add_suspended_until_to_users_table.php and changed suspended_until to suspend_until 2) I removed vendor/flarum/flarum-ext-suspend/migrations/2015_09_14_000000_rename_suspended_until_column.php

After this, installation worked.

I realize that this is more of a workaround than an actual fix, so I will not be issuing a merge request or anything. Ultimately, the rename should "just work" and as stated above, this is a problem with DBal that will hopefully be fixed soon.

Running MariaDB 10.2.7 btw!

ParitoshBh commented 6 years ago

Version 2.7.0 (and 2.7.1) has been released. I believe this should fix the issue, haven't tested it out. Just throwing it out for anyone still tracking this issue and waiting for dependency to get fixed.

pigszel commented 6 years ago

@gboor you just saved my life! I've struggled this for 6 months now... Thank you!

nobicycle commented 6 years ago

I confirm the latest Flarum is working on mariadb.

luceos commented 6 years ago

@nobicycle thanks for checking I'll update our travis configuration to make sure we remain compliant or know immediately when that's no longer the case.


franzliedke commented 6 years ago

We should probably also add the minimum version constraint for doctrine/dbal, right?

luceos commented 6 years ago

Minimum to dbal has to be set to 2.7.0 which demands php 7.1, CI is ready in PR without the constraint.

@franzliedke another reason to increase our own minimum requirement. If we decide to do so it would open up the other discussion (again) of supporting Stratigility 3.x and Laravel 5.6.

@flarum/core what to do?

Ref https://travis-ci.org/flarum/core/builds/384606123

jinjie commented 6 years ago

Worked with doctrine/dbal 2.7.0. Got passed the installation and faced with:

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /flarum/vendor/flarum/core/src/Core/Post/RegisteredTypesScope.php on line 52

Fatal error: Uncaught RuntimeException: Output has been emitted previously; cannot emit response in /flarum/vendor/zendframework/zend-diactoros/src/Response/SapiEmitterTrait.php:41 Stack trace: 
#0 /flarum/vendor/zendframework/zend-diactoros/src/Response/SapiEmitter.php(30): Zend\Diactoros\Response\SapiEmitter->assertNoPreviousOutput() 
#1 /flarum/vendor/zendframework/zend-diactoros/src/Server.php(167): Zend\Diactoros\Response\SapiEmitter->emit(Object(Zend\Diactoros\Response)) 
#2 /flarum/vendor/flarum/core/src/Http/AbstractServer.php(36): Zend\Diactoros\Server->listen(Object(Zend\Stratigility\NoopFinalHandler)) 
#3 /flarum/index.php(16): Flarum\Http\AbstractServer->listen() 
#4 {main} thrown in /flarum/vendor/zendframework/zend-diactoros/src/Response/SapiEmitterTrait.php on line 41