flarum / framework

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Invisible buttons when making primary color #ffffff #3958

Open betterwithagency opened 6 months ago

betterwithagency commented 6 months ago

Current Behavior

I'm using my Flarum-based forum with dark mode. The primary color is pure white (#ffffff). In this situation, confirmation mail, passwordless login extension, and 404 pages have white button bg and text.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Make the primary logo white and enable dark mode for everyone.
  2. Go to any 404 page or get any confirmation email like passwordless login.

Expected Behavior

The expectation is when you enable dark mode, the button has to be a secondary color or respect the dark mode in the 404 pages and e-mails.




Output of php flarum info

Flarum core: 1.8.4
PHP version: 8.0.26
MySQL version: 8.0.31-cll-lve
Loaded extensions: Core, date, libxml, openssl, pcre, sqlite3, zlib, bz2, calendar, ctype, curl, hash, filter, ftp, gettext, gmp, SPL, iconv, json, pcntl, readline, Reflection, session, standard, shmop, SimpleXML, mbstring, tokenizer, xml, i360, bcmath, dom, fileinfo, gd, igbinary, imagick, imap, intl, exif, mcrypt, mysqlnd, mysqli, PDO, pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite, Phar, posix, soap, sockets, xmlreader, xmlwriter, xsl, zip, Zend OPcache
| Flarum Extensions                  |         |        |
| ID                                 | Version | Commit |
| flarum-tags                        | v1.8.0  |        |
| flarum-mentions                    | v1.8.2  |        |
| flarum-subscriptions               | v1.8.0  |        |
| fof-sitemap                        | 2.2.1   |        |
| fof-impersonate                    | 1.1.1   |        |
| flamarkt-backoffice                | 0.1.3   |        |
| fof-follow-tags                    | 1.2.2   |        |
| flarum-markdown                    | v1.8.0  |        |
| webbinaro-calendar                 | 1.7.0   |        |
| v17development-user-badges         | v1.1.0  |        |
| tohsakarat-tags-filter             | v1.0.5  |        |
| sycho-private-facade               | v0.1.15 |        |
| ramesh-dada-gui-image-and-link     | 1.0     |        |
| nearata-internal-links-noreload    | v2.2.0  |        |
| ganuonglachanh-search              | 0.5.2   |        |
| fof-upload                         | 1.5.4   |        |
| fof-split                          | 1.1.1   |        |
| fof-polls                          | 2.1.2   |        |
| fof-moderator-notes                | 1.2.2   |        |
| fof-merge-discussions              | 1.4.1   |        |
| fof-links                          | 1.2.1   |        |
| fof-linguist                       | 1.1.2   |        |
| fof-formatting                     | 1.0.3   |        |
| fof-default-user-preferences       | 1.2.1   |        |
| fof-best-answer                    | 1.4.1   |        |
| flarum-suspend                     | v1.8.1  |        |
| flarum-sticky                      | v1.8.0  |        |
| flarum-statistics                  | v1.8.0  |        |
| flarum-pusher                      | v1.8.0  |        |
| flarum-nicknames                   | v1.8.0  |        |
| flarum-lock                        | v1.8.0  |        |
| flarum-lang-turkish                | 1.22.0  |        |
| flarum-emoji                       | v1.8.0  |        |
| flarum-bbcode                      | v1.8.0  |        |
| datlechin-simple-tour-guide        | v0.0.1  |        |
| datlechin-offline-indicator        | v0.1.0  |        |
| datlechin-keyboard-shortcuts       | v0.1.1  |        |
| datlechin-discussion-overview      | v0.0.1  |        |
| club-1-cross-references            | v1.1.1  |        |
| clarkwinkelmann-who-read           | 1.4.1   |        |
| clarkwinkelmann-post-stream-search | 1.1.0   |        |
| clarkwinkelmann-passwordless       | 2.0.0   |        |
| blomstra-turnstile                 | 0.1.4   |        |
| blomstra-sort-order-toggle         | 0.2.0   |        |
| blomstra-database-queue            | 1.0.2   |        |
| blomstra-cache-assets              | 0.5     |        |
| betterflarum-bettermobiledrawer    | 2.2.0   |        |
| askvortsov-pwa                     | v3.3.3  |        |
| askvortsov-markdown-tables         | v1.2.1  |        |
| askvortsov-help-tags               | v1.1.0  |        |
| askvortsov-checklist               | v1.3.1  |        |
| acpl-lscache                       | v2.2.1  |        |
Base URL: https://support.bw.agency
Installation path: /home/samsunek/support.bw.agency
Queue driver: database
Session driver: file
Scheduler status: Aktif değil
Mail driver: smtp
Debug mode: off

Possible Solution

No response

Additional Context

No response