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Tag server-side response should extend core's Index #47

Open askvortsov1 opened 2 years ago

askvortsov1 commented 2 years ago

Currently, there's a lot of duplication between the tags Tag content handler and core's Index content handler. Similar duplication exists in "index" blade template vs "tag" blade template. I suspect that this issue similarly affects subscribe with the following page.

We should:

  1. Refactor Index so generation of params (and maybe the preloaded API doc) is split into a protected method. Also make private methods protected.
  2. Inherit Index for the tag and subscription content handlers
  3. Make the discussion list portion of the index blade template a reusable template that can be used in core, tags, and subscriptions
Adams-Ijachi commented 2 years ago

hello , i'm kinda new to this open source stuff and would love to try this out it's still open.. If i understand you correctly , i'm supposed to inherit Index for Tag and use the index's get ApiDocument as the response in Tag?

Sorry if this seems like a noob question? would and appreciate the clarification

askvortsov1 commented 2 years ago

hello , i'm kinda new to this open source stuff and would love to try this out it's still open.. If i understand you correctly , i'm supposed to inherit Index for Tag and use the index's get ApiDocument as the response in Tag?

Sorry if this seems like a noob question? would and appreciate the clarification

Hi, welcome to Flarum! Essentially, we'll want to inherit Index for the tag and subscription "list discussions" handler, yeah. However, as part of this, it will probably be necessary to refactor the Index class a bit and extract some logic from __invoke into protected methods.

As an additional step, common code from the blade PHP template for the discussion list (flarum.forum::frontend.content.index) could be extracted into separate component blade templates and reused in extensions.

Please don't hesitate to ask here, on Discuss, or in our discord if you have any questions! Links are in the footer of https://flarum.org

Adams-Ijachi commented 2 years ago

ok thanks for replying , i'll start with the refactoring, is there any action i could take to test this when i make a change

askvortsov1 commented 2 years ago

ok thanks for replying , i'll start with the refactoring, is there any action i could take to test this when i make a change

You'll want to set up a local dev Flarum instance so you can test things as you go, see https://docs.flarum.org/contributing

You can also add integration tests that check the generated HTML to make sure everything that should be present is there. https://docs.flarum.org/extend/testing has a bit more information on this.

Adams-Ijachi commented 2 years ago

Alright thanks kinda stuck on the serving my local installation part , trying to use xamp What i've done

Error !!

Warning: require(C:\xampp\htdocs\flarum\vendor\composer/../flarum/core/src/helpers.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\xampp\htdocs\flarum\vendor\composer\autoload_real.php on line 71

and i have done composer install and update (as potential fixes and not really helped) , also asked the same question on the discord group

SOLVED had to delete vendor folder and then run composer install again.

askvortsov1 commented 2 years ago

Alright thanks kinda stuck on the serving my local installation part , trying to use xamp What i've done

  • Moved Project to htdocs of xamp
  • ran started and apache server
  • tried accessing localhost/flarum/public

Error !!

Warning: require(C:\xampp\htdocs\flarum\vendor\composer/../flarum/core/src/helpers.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\xampp\htdocs\flarum\vendor\composer\autoload_real.php on line 71

and i have done composer install and update (as potential fixes and not really helped) , also asked the same question on the discord group

SOLVED had to delete vendor folder and then run composer install again.

Glad to hear you ended up getting it working! Web server setup can be a real pain, and there's frequently some filesystem permission issues or port configuration things that can be challenging. Are you able to change the source code and see that reflected on your local site?

Adams-Ijachi commented 2 years ago

Well so far the project is working i have created a forum and the database updates, i'm about to make a commit was able to do some refactoring(in the Index) and in Tag , i inherited Index and called the function to generate parameters. But not been able to make or actually see any visual change. ..again thanks for keeping up with me :smiley: 😄 ❤️

askvortsov1 commented 2 years ago

Well so far the project is working i have created a forum and the database updates, i'm about to make a commit was able to do some refactoring(in the Index) and in Tag , i inherited Index and called the function to generate parameters. But not been able to make or actually see any visual change. ..again thanks for keeping up with me smiley smile heart

I suppose in this case, there shouldn't be any visual changes since it's a refactoring project :laughing:. On a side note, to test things out, disable JS in your devtools console settings temporarily; this will load the no-js version of the forum, allowing you to better see what is being generated.

Adams-Ijachi commented 2 years ago

OK so i'm sorry for all this commits 🙏 , but yeah made a commit to Tag and Index

askvortsov1 commented 2 years ago

No need to apologize, we're very grateful for your work and contributions! I'll share a few comments here since they apply to both PRs:

Overall, great start though!

Adams-Ijachi commented 2 years ago

Thank You for the feedback ,greatly appreciated and about the inheriting i think i did that with this PR https://github.com/flarum/tags/pull/158 Not sure why it didn't come up here , and yep and up for a challenge.

askvortsov1 commented 2 years ago

Thank You for the feedback ,greatly appreciated and about the inheriting i think i did that with this PR https://github.com/flarum/tags/pull/158 Not sure why it didn't come up here , and yep and up for a challenge.

It looks like instead of inheriting (extending the class via the extends keyword), you're injecting the Index class as a constructor dependency and then using it as a property. Generally speaking this is often a cleaner style of programming, but in this case, I think it would be better to stick with regular OOP inheritance.

Adams-Ijachi commented 2 years ago

Ok thanks , i have made the changes to tag it is currently inheriting core Index, and about removing those dist files ,i added them to gitignore but it still pushes even after clearing the cache (any tips would be great).

And about the no-js view can you provide a link to any existing (no-js view) in the project kinda struggling to understand some implementations

askvortsov1 commented 2 years ago

Ok thanks , i have made the changes to tag it is currently inheriting core Index, and about removing those dist files ,i added them to gitignore but it still pushes even after clearing the cache (any tips would be great).

It's not about gitignore (we do want to commit them, we just do so via the GH actions script), you just shouldn't stage them when making commits. What IDE are you using?

To remove files from commits, this guide might help: https://devconnected.com/how-to-remove-files-from-git-commit/

And about the no-js view can you provide a link to any existing (no-js view) in the project kinda struggling to understand some implementations

To clarify, the no-js view IS the Content/Tags and Content/Index classes you've been editing in your PRs. These classes modify the HTML document to add various metadata (e.g. payload, title, links, etc), as well as the no-js HTML content (that's what $document->content = ...` does.

To actually see this HTML, you'll need to disable JavaScript for your browser tab: (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13405383/how-to-disable-javascript-in-chrome-developer-tools)

Adams-Ijachi commented 2 years ago

ok sorry been away , i use vscode and i'll follow the steps

askvortsov1 commented 2 years ago

ok sorry been away , i use vscode and i'll follow the steps

No rush! Thank you again for taking this initiative on, it's very appreciated :grin:

Adams-Ijachi commented 2 years ago

I turned off js and i can see "This site is best viewed in a modern browser with JavaScript enabled. All Discussions" but no change to either tag or index shows up there (i was just testing to see how it works)