Closed informatica92 closed 4 years ago
The swagger_ui
boolean setting in config will allow you to disable the apidocs view. Providing a config setting currently overrides the default though so you need to provide a full config object like so:
swagger = Swagger(app, config={
"headers": [
"specs": [
"endpoint": 'apispec_1',
"route": '/apispec_1.json',
"rule_filter": lambda rule: True, # all in
"model_filter": lambda tag: True, # all in
"static_url_path": "/flasgger_static",
"swagger_ui": False,
But in this way the ui becomes inaccessible at all. My idea is only to limit the access to that endpoint, not disable it completely
Hi, you can use auth decorator for route apidocs
Thank you @mirecl for your suggestion. I had a look to this possibility and I found that flasgger supports decorators. so I simply did this:
Swagger(app, template=app.config['SWAGGER'])
to Swagger(app, decorators=[basic_auth_decorator], template=app.config['SWAGGER'])
(I added the decorators parameter) basic_auth_decorator
to handle the authenticationThe basic_auth_decorator
from flask import current_app as app, request
from functools import wraps
def basic_auth_decorator(f):
"""Decorator to require HTTP Basic Auth for your endpoint."""
def check_auth(username, password):
return username == app.config['ADMIN_USERNAME'] and password == app.config['ADMIN_PASSWORD']
def authenticate():
return Response("Authentication required.", 401, {"WWW-Authenticate": "Basic realm='Login Required'"})
def decorated(*args, **kwargs):
auth = request.authorization
if not auth or not check_auth(auth.username, auth.password):
return authenticate()
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return decorated
please have a look to the
example in the examples
directory for more details
It would be nice anyway (since most of the code would be the same for all the applications) to add this feature inside flasgger by default. In this case I'd only pass username and password to the Swagger constructor in order to activate authentication for the flasgger endpoints
Hi all, currently I am developing an API application that will be deployed on Google Cloud App Engine. For this reason it would be a bood idea to "protect" behind authentication or just a password, the documentation page so that only the authorized users can access and read it.
Is there a way to do this at the moment?