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Add banner for Mev.Day event #120

Closed gkoscky closed 1 year ago

gkoscky commented 1 year ago

[!IMPORTANT] This is a work in progress still waiting on a final design. But it includes all the necessary parts to get a banner live. The banner should be the same for the Home, Docs, and Writings pages, so any changes need to be reflected in all three PRs:


This PR adds a banner to the top of the homepage to promote the MEV Day event coming up in November. It makes use of Docusaurus' announcementBar component, which isn't ideal but sure is quick. Swizzling wasn't really working because we, ideally, would like the banner to be an entirely new component outside of the topbar navigation and there's nothing really we could "swizzle" to do that.

The banner should be identical to the one scheduled to go live on the Flashbots homepage and Docs once we have an approved design. Instructions below on how to make the necessary changes once that happens.

Screenshot of the new Docs page with a banner

How to make changes

The banner markup lives in docusaurus.config.js, within the announcementBar.content parameter:

  announcementBar: {
    id: "MevDay",
      '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="13" height="16" viewBox="0 0 13 16" fill="none">
        <g clipPath="url(#clip0_2195_90)">
            d="M6.50002 3.79166C5.00502 3.79166 3.79169 5.00499 3.79169 6.49999C3.79169 7.99499 5.00502 9.20832 6.50002 9.20832C7.99502 9.20832 9.20835 7.99499 9.20835 6.49999C9.20835 5.00499 7.99502 3.79166 6.50002 3.79166ZM1.08335 7.04166H2.16669C2.4646 7.04166 2.70835 6.79791 2.70835 6.49999C2.70835 6.20207 2.4646 5.95832 2.16669 5.95832H1.08335C0.785437 5.95832 0.541687 6.20207 0.541687 6.49999C0.541687 6.79791 0.785437 7.04166 1.08335 7.04166ZM10.8334 7.04166H11.9167C12.2146 7.04166 12.4584 6.79791 12.4584 6.49999C12.4584 6.20207 12.2146 5.95832 11.9167 5.95832H10.8334C10.5354 5.95832 10.2917 6.20207 10.2917 6.49999C10.2917 6.79791 10.5354 7.04166 10.8334 7.04166ZM5.95835 1.08332V2.16666C5.95835 2.46457 6.2021 2.70832 6.50002 2.70832C6.79794 2.70832 7.04169 2.46457 7.04169 2.16666V1.08332C7.04169 0.785406 6.79794 0.541656 6.50002 0.541656C6.2021 0.541656 5.95835 0.785406 5.95835 1.08332ZM5.95835 10.8333V11.9167C5.95835 12.2146 6.2021 12.4583 6.50002 12.4583C6.79794 12.4583 7.04169 12.2146 7.04169 11.9167V10.8333C7.04169 10.5354 6.79794 10.2917 6.50002 10.2917C6.2021 10.2917 5.95835 10.5354 5.95835 10.8333ZM3.2446 2.48082C3.03335 2.26957 2.68669 2.26957 2.48085 2.48082C2.2696 2.69207 2.2696 3.03874 2.48085 3.24457L3.05502 3.81874C3.26627 4.02999 3.61294 4.02999 3.81877 3.81874C4.0246 3.60749 4.03002 3.26082 3.81877 3.05499L3.2446 2.48082ZM9.94502 9.18124C9.73377 8.96999 9.3871 8.96999 9.18127 9.18124C8.97002 9.39249 8.97002 9.73915 9.18127 9.94499L9.75543 10.5192C9.96669 10.7304 10.3134 10.7304 10.5192 10.5192C10.7304 10.3079 10.7304 9.96124 10.5192 9.7554L9.94502 9.18124ZM10.5192 3.24457C10.7304 3.03332 10.7304 2.68666 10.5192 2.48082C10.3079 2.26957 9.96127 2.26957 9.75543 2.48082L9.18127 3.05499C8.97002 3.26624 8.97002 3.61291 9.18127 3.81874C9.39252 4.02457 9.73919 4.02999 9.94502 3.81874L10.5192 3.24457ZM3.81877 9.94499C4.03002 9.73374 4.03002 9.38707 3.81877 9.18124C3.60752 8.96999 3.26085 8.96999 3.05502 9.18124L2.48085 9.7554C2.2696 9.96665 2.2696 10.3133 2.48085 10.5192C2.6921 10.725 3.03877 10.7304 3.2446 10.5192L3.81877 9.94499Z"
          <clipPath id="clip0_2195_90"><rect width="13" height="16" fill="white"></rect></clipPath>
      <a href="https://mev.day" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">Mev.day Istanbul - 16 Nov</a>
      <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="13" height="16" viewBox="0 0 13 16" fill="none">
        <g clipPath="url(#clip0_2195_95)">
            d="M6.5 1.625C3.80792 1.625 1.625 3.80792 1.625 6.5C1.625 9.19208 3.80792 11.375 6.5 11.375C9.19208 11.375 11.375 9.19208 11.375 6.5C11.375 6.25083 11.3533 6.00167 11.3208 5.76333C10.79 6.50542 9.92333 6.9875 8.9375 6.9875C7.32333 6.9875 6.0125 5.67667 6.0125 4.0625C6.0125 3.08208 6.49458 2.21 7.23667 1.67917C6.99833 1.64667 6.74917 1.625 6.5 1.625Z"
          <clipPath id="clip0_2195_95"><rect width="13" height="16" fill="white"></rect></clipPath>
    isCloseable: false,

Make changes here to change the content, copy, etc.

The CSS for the banner is styled by new rules in custom.scss:

div[role=banner] { 
  height: 32px;

  >div {
    /* For every banner */
    height: 32px;
    padding: 0px;
    border: 0px;
    display: flex;
    align-items: center;
    justify-content: center;

    /* For the current banner */
    column-gap: 8px;
    background-image: linear-gradient(6deg, #73c2fa, 60%, #1c1c1c 100%);
    color: white;

    a {
      font-family: "CMU-Serif";
      font-size: 16px;
      font-weight: 600;
      text-decoration: none;  

      &:hover {
        text-decoration: underline;

You should hopefully only need to change things in the rules under this comment, but any other changes can be made to the rules already there.

vercel[bot] commented 1 year ago

@gkoscky is attempting to deploy a commit to the Flashbots Team on Vercel.

A member of the Team first needs to authorize it.

vercel[bot] commented 1 year ago

The latest updates on your projects. Learn more about Vercel for Git ↗︎

Name Status Preview Comments Updated (UTC)
flashbots-writings-website ✅ Ready (Inspect) Visit Preview 💬 Add feedback Sep 15, 2023 5:46pm