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### Flashbots Relay Signature Error #130

Closed KUMAOKI closed 2 months ago

KUMAOKI commented 2 months ago

I am encountering a signature verification error while trying to send a bundle to the Flashbots relay on the Sepolia testnet. Below are the details of my setup and the error message:


  1. From Rescue Wallet to Hacked Wallet:

    "to": "0x[HACKED_WALLET_ADDRESS]",
    "value": 10000000000000000,
    "gas": 21000,
    "maxFeePerGas": 33306378913,
    "maxPriorityFeePerGas": 31000000000,
    "nonce": 0,
    "chainId": 11155111
  2. From Hacked Wallet to Rescue Wallet: { "to": "0x[RESCUE_WALLET_ADDRESS]", "value": 10000000000000000, "gas": 21000, "maxFeePerGas": 33306378913, "maxPriorityFeePerGas": 31000000000, "nonce": 0, "chainId": 11155111 }

Signed Transactions

Signed Transaction 1: 0x02f87683...15f817c89e
Signed Transaction 2: 0x02f87683...8eb0624297

Error Message { "error": "error in signature check" }

Payload and Headers


{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "eth_sendBundle", "params": [ [ { "signed_transaction": "0x[signed_transaction_1]" }, { "signed_transaction": "0x[signed_transaction_2]" } ] ], "id": 1 } Headers:

{ "Content-Type": "application/json", "X-Flashbots-Signature": "0x[RELAY_SIGNING_ADDRESS]:0x[signature]" }

Could you please assist in identifying the cause of this error and how to resolve it? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.