Open binora opened 3 years ago
Hi, Thanks for the tutorial on flashbots. I'm able to send bundle to flasbots goerli relayer but I'm getting error: execution reverted
error: execution reverted
async function main() { const flashbotsProvider = await FlashbotsBundleProvider.create(provider, Wallet.createRandom(), FLASHBOTS_RELAY_GOERLI) const block = await provider.getBlock("latest"); const maxBaseFeeInFutureBlock = FlashbotsBundleProvider.getMaxBaseFeeInFutureBlock(block.baseFeePerGas, 1); const priorityFee = GWEI.mul(50); const transactions = [ { transaction: { chainId: CHAIN_ID, type: 2, value: ETHER.div(100).mul(3), gasLimit: 50000, data: "0x1249c58b", maxFeePerGas: priorityFee.add(maxBaseFeeInFutureBlock), maxPriorityFeePerGas: priorityFee, to: "0x20EE855E43A7af19E407E39E5110c2C1Ee41F64D", }, signer: wallet, } ] provider.on('block', async (blockNumber) => { console.log(blockNumber); const response = await flashbotsProvider.sendBundle(transactions, blockNumber + 1) console.log(await response.simulate()) if ('error' in response) { console.log(response.error) return } }) }
console.log(await response.simulate()) outputs:
console.log(await response.simulate())
{ bundleHash: '0x73b428ceb04de261de0357640938810694ec1789a29fdddeaac22e517c394f77', coinbaseDiff: BigNumber { _hex: '0x08d280b2237400', _isBigNumber: true }, results: [ { coinbaseDiff: '2483250000000000', error: 'execution reverted', ethSentToCoinbase: '0', fromAddress: '0x59aE28410f867f779Fd60059c7224f94a14eCA49', gasFees: '2483250000000000', gasPrice: '50000000000', gasUsed: 49665, toAddress: '0x20EE855E43A7af19E407E39E5110c2C1Ee41F64D', txHash: '0xda34f1f4eb61495540dd83f872d65fcadc03b2f3dedad83d708d9eda6276ac57' } ], totalGasUsed: 49665, firstRevert: undefined }
What could be the reason for such error ?
@binora are you able to solve the problem? I also have the same issue.
@ngdekhai Nope. Couldn't solve it.
I have the same issue.
Hi, Thanks for the tutorial on flashbots. I'm able to send bundle to flasbots goerli relayer but I'm getting
error: execution reverted
console.log(await response.simulate())
outputs:What could be the reason for such error ?