flashcactus / kountdown

A custom IRC bot based on Willie.
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Add who-is-who of modders #2

Open blizzy78 opened 9 years ago

blizzy78 commented 9 years ago

What would be nice to have is a who-is-who of modders, so that you can ask Kountdown who-the-EFF someone is:

me> .modder ferram4
Kountdown> ferram4 is responsible for FAR, NEAR, KIDS, KJR.
Jerald commented 9 years ago

Yes, this is great. You can make it changeable via github, so we can populate it for you.

flashcactus commented 9 years ago

@Lokosmos I'm not sure I want to add any kind of github sync to the bot. Simply publishing the info file would probably be okay though

janbrohl commented 8 years ago

You could get info about who made which mods using CKAN mod-index but as many mods are not in that index this would not be totally reliable.