flashg1 / TeslaSolarCharger

Home Assistant Blueprint to charge Tesla car using surplus solar electricity and weather forecast.
MIT License
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Trigger the automation when the charger was plugged in earlier, but charging is started through the tesla app #21

Closed ddeconin-gh closed 2 weeks ago

ddeconin-gh commented 5 months ago

If the tesla is plugged in, but charging is stopped at some time (through the app for example), the automation stops running. If it is then started again through the Tesla app, this doesn't trigger a new automation execution. This is because the sensor.charger itself doesn't change from off to on, but the attribute 'charging_state' changes instead.

flashg1 commented 5 months ago

To make thing simple, I suggest to just control the charging via HA.

flashg1 commented 2 weeks ago

Closing case unless this is still an issue.