flashlight / wav2letter

Facebook AI Research's Automatic Speech Recognition Toolkit
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Segmentation fault (core dumped), decode, wsj data #333

Closed Bang-sheng-Zhuo closed 5 years ago

Bang-sheng-Zhuo commented 5 years ago

run command

./wav2letter/build/Decoder --flagsfile wav2letter/recipes/wsj/configs/conv_glu/decode.cfg

Gflags after parsing

--flagfile=; --fromenv=; --tryfromenv=; --undefok=; --tab_completion_columns=80; --tab_completion_word=; --help=false; --helpfull=false; --helpmatch=; --helpon=; --helppackage=false; --helpshort=false; --helpxml=false; --version=false; --adambeta1=0.90000000000000002; --adambeta2=0.999; --am=/root/dataset/ckpt/wsj_gluam/001_model_data#nov93dev.bin; --arch=network.arch; --archdir=/root/wav2letter/recipes/wsj/configs/conv_glu/; --attention=content; --attentionthreshold=0; --attnWindow=no; --attnconvchannel=0; --attnconvkernel=0; --attndim=0; --batchsize=4; --beamsize=5000; --beamthreshold=25; --channels=1; --criterion=asg; --critoptim=sgd; --datadir=/root/dataset/wsj/; --dataorder=input; --decodertype=wrd; --devwin=0; --emission_dir=; --enable_distributed=false; --encoderdim=0; --eostoken=false; --everstoredb=false; --fftcachesize=1; --filterbanks=40; --flagsfile=wav2letter/recipes/wsj/configs/conv_glu/decode.cfg; --gamma=0.5; --garbage=false; --hardselection=1; --input=flac; --inputbinsize=100; --inputfeeding=false; --iter=50; --itersave=true; --labelsmooth=0; --leftWindowSize=50; --lexicon=; --linlr=-1; --linlrcrit=-1; --linseg=1; --listdata=false; --lm=/root/dataset/wsj/lm/lm-4g.bin; --lm_memory=5000; --lm_vocab=; --lmtype=kenlm; --lmweight=5.5; --localnrmlleftctx=0; --localnrmlrightctx=0; --logadd=false; --lr=5.5999999999999996; --lrcrit=0.0040000000000000001; --maxdecoderoutputlen=200; --maxgradnorm=0.050000000000000003; --maxisz=9223372036854775807; --maxload=-1; --maxrate=10; --maxsil=50; --maxtsz=9223372036854775807; --maxword=-1; --melfloor=1; --memstepsize=10485760; --mfcc=false; --mfcccoeffs=13; --mfsc=true; --minisz=0; --minrate=3; --minsil=0; --mintsz=0; --momentum=0; --netoptim=sgd; --noresample=false; --nthread=1; --nthread_decoder=8; --onorm=target; --optimepsilon=1e-08; --optimrho=0.90000000000000002; --outputbinsize=5; --pctteacherforcing=100; --pcttraineval=100; --pow=false; --pretrainWindow=0; --replabel=2; --reportiters=900; --rightWindowSize=50; --rndv_filepath=; --rundir=/root/dataset/ckpt; --runname=wsj_gluam; --samplerate=16000; --sampletarget=0; --samplingstrategy=rand; --sclite=; --seed=0; --show=false; --showletters=false; --silweight=-1; --smearing=max; --smoothingtemperature=1; --softselection=inf; --softwoffset=10; --softwrate=5; --softwstd=5; --sqnorm=true; --stepsize=10; --surround=|; --tag=; --target=tkn; --test=data/nov92; --tokens=tokens.txt; --tokensdir=/root/dataset/wsj/data/; --train=data/si284; --trainWithWindow=false; --transdiag=5; --unkweight=-inf; --usewordpiece=false; --valid=data/nov93dev; --weightdecay=0; --wordscore=2.1000000000000001; --wordseparator=|; --world_rank=0; --world_size=1; --alsologtoemail=; --alsologtostderr=false; --colorlogtostderr=false; --drop_log_memory=true; --log_backtrace_at=; --log_dir=; --log_link=; --log_prefix=true; --logbuflevel=0; --logbufsecs=30; --logemaillevel=999; --logmailer=/bin/mail; --logtostderr=true; --max_log_size=1800; --minloglevel=0; --stderrthreshold=2; --stop_logging_if_full_disk=false; --symbolize_stacktrace=true; --v=0; --vmodule=

stack trace

I0617 04:09:06.106374 12224 Decode.cpp:117] Number of classes (network): 30
I0617 04:09:06.106578 12224 NumberedFilesLoader.cpp:29] Adding dataset /root/dataset/wsj/data/nov92 ...
I0617 04:09:06.106910 12224 NumberedFilesLoader.cpp:68] 333 files found.
I0617 04:09:06.183238 12224 Utils.cpp:102] Filtered 0/333 samples
I0617 04:09:06.183429 12224 W2lNumberedFilesDataset.cpp:57] Total batches (i.e. iters): 333
I0617 04:09:06.183524 12224 Decode.cpp:138] [Serialization] Running forward pass ...
I0617 04:09:21.771307 12224 Decode.cpp:185] [Dataset] Number of samples per thread: 42
I0617 04:09:21.942915 12224 Decode.cpp:268] [Decoder] LM constructed.
I0617 04:09:21.943946 12237 Decode.cpp:335] [Decoder] Decoder with word-LM loaded in thread: 0
*** Aborted at 1560744561 (unix time) try "date -d @1560744561" if you are using GNU date ***
I0617 04:09:21.945180 12233 Decode.cpp:335] [Decoder] Decoder with word-LM loaded in thread: 1
PC: @           0x55d9d0 (unknown)
I0617 04:09:21.945837 12234 Decode.cpp:335] [Decoder] Decoder with word-LM loaded in thread: 2
I0617 04:09:21.945968 12239 Decode.cpp:335] [Decoder] Decoder with word-LM loaded in thread: 6
I0617 04:09:21.945996 12232 Decode.cpp:335] [Decoder] Decoder with word-LM loaded in thread: 4
I0617 04:09:21.946020 12235 Decode.cpp:335] [Decoder] Decoder with word-LM loaded in thread: 5
I0617 04:09:21.946043 12236 Decode.cpp:335] [Decoder] Decoder with word-LM loaded in thread: 3
I0617 04:09:21.946066 12238 Decode.cpp:335] [Decoder] Decoder with word-LM loaded in thread: 7
*** SIGSEGV (@0x0) received by PID 12224 (TID 0x7f3688ac3700) from PID 0; stack trace: ***
    @     0x7f3778d49390 (unknown)
    @           0x55d9d0 (unknown)
    @           0x553728 w2l::LexiconDecoder::decodeBegin()
    @           0x4775d4 _ZZ4mainENKUliiiE2_clEiii
    @           0x47aafa _ZNSt17_Function_handlerIFSt10unique_ptrINSt13__future_base12_Result_baseENS2_8_DeleterEEvENS1_12_Task_setterIS0_INS1_7_ResultIvEES3_ESt12_Bind_simpleIFSt17reference_wrapperISt5_BindIFZ4mainEUliiiE2_iiiEEEvEEvEEE9_M_invokeERKSt9_Any_data
    @           0x47ff59 std::__future_base::_State_baseV2::_M_do_set()
    @     0x7f3778d46a99 __pthread_once_slow
    @           0x4763c1 _ZNSt13__future_base11_Task_stateISt5_BindIFZ4mainEUliiiE2_iiiEESaIiEFvvEE6_M_runEv
    @           0x48589b _ZNSt6thread5_ImplISt12_Bind_simpleIFZN2fl10ThreadPoolC4EmRKSt8functionIFvmEEEUlvE_vEEE6_M_runEv
    @     0x7f373031fc80 (unknown)
    @     0x7f3778d3f6ba start_thread
    @     0x7f372fa8541d clone
    @                0x0 (unknown)
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

By the way, I trained with GLU and WSJ data on another machine, decoding runs fine but I got -- WER: nan, LER: 100. The TER of training set is train-TER: 9.87 | data/nov93dev-TER: 11.95. I build the LM binary with kenlm.

xuqiantong commented 5 years ago

Seems like you forget to provide a lexicon. Please refer to https://github.com/facebookresearch/wav2letter/blob/master/docs/decoder.md for detail.

Bang-sheng-Zhuo commented 5 years ago

Seems like you forget to provide a lexicon. Please refer to https://github.com/facebookresearch/wav2letter/blob/master/docs/decoder.md for detail.

Thanks. - -! The latest docker images of w2l provides flag with --words, not --lexicon, in recipes/wsj/configs/conv_glu/decode.cfg. I thought it would work if I follow the configs.

tlikhomanenko commented 5 years ago

Hi @k1kyo,

the docker image was updated two weeks ago where flag --lexicon is already provided. Please pull the image on your local machine.

Shortly will update the images with the current state if you need them too.

Bang-sheng-Zhuo commented 5 years ago

Hi @k1kyo,

the docker image was updated two weeks ago where flag --lexicon is already provided. Please pull the image on your local machine.

Shortly will update the images with the current state if you need them too.

I just pull the newest image of cuda-latest which was created two weeks ago on my local machine, and I found the decode.cfg of WSJ recipes still privides --words flag, not --lexicon flag.

xuqiantong commented 5 years ago

Everything should be fine on master now. I think we were at transition two weeks ago. Sorry for the confusion.

tlikhomanenko commented 5 years ago

Hi @k1kyo,

I have updated images with the current master, you can pull again and everything should work now. Please ping if any error still remains.

Bang-sheng-Zhuo commented 5 years ago

@tlikhomanenko thanks