flashlight / wav2letter

Facebook AI Research's Automatic Speech Recognition Toolkit
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How can I resolve this ArrayFire error with Flashlight ASR? #997

Open jksz1 opened 2 years ago

jksz1 commented 2 years ago


I am trying to execute the following command to transcribe a .wav file using one of the pretrained models for Flashlight ASR:

/home/jonah/vcpkg/installed/x64-linux/tools/flashlight-cuda/fl_asr_test --am="/media/jonah/Linux Data/Flashlight-speech-recognition/am.bin" --lexicon="/media/jonah/Linux Data/Flashlight-speech-recognition/train_lexicon.txt" –datadir="/media/jonah/Linux Data/Flashlight-speech-recognition/" --test="/media/jonah/Linux Data/Flashlight-speech-recognition/test.lst" --tokens="/media/jonah/Linux Data/Flashlight-speech-recognition/tokens.txt" --emission_dir='' --nouselexicon –show

However, it gives an ArrayFire exception when executed:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'af::exception' what(): ArrayFire Exception (Internal error:998): In function cuda::Module common::compileModule(const string&, const std::vector<std::cxx11::basic_string >&, const std::vector<std::__cxx11::basic_string >&, const std::vector<std::cxx11::basic_string >&, bool) In file src/backend/cuda/compile_module.cpp:276 NVRTC Error(6): NVRTC_ERROR_COMPILATION Log: 16583636026579851833(258): error: attribute "global" does not apply here

16583636026579851833(259): error: incomplete type is not allowed

16583636026579851833(259): error: expected an identifier

16583636026579851833(259): error: expected an identifier

16583636026579851833(259): error: expected an identifier

16583636026579851833(259): error: expected an identifier

16583636026579851833(259): error: expected an identifier

16583636026579851833(259): error: expected an identifier

16583636026579851833(229): warning #177-D: function "isnan(T) [with T=half]" was declared but never referenced

16583636026579851833(213): warning #177-D: fu Aborted at 1639583242 (unix time) try "date -d @1639583242" if you are using GNU date PC: @ 0x7f0271d1e18b gsignal SIGABRT (@0x9de) received by PID 2526 (TID 0x7f026d4e0000) from PID 2526; stack trace: @ 0x7f02c5fce631 (unknown) @ 0x7f02bf1be3c0 (unknown) @ 0x7f0271d1e18b gsignal @ 0x7f0271cfd859 abort @ 0x7f0271fc5911 (unknown) @ 0x7f0271fd138c (unknown) @ 0x7f0271fd13f7 std::terminate() @ 0x7f0271fd137f std::rethrow_exception() @ 0x557868c17e2b fl::PrefetchDataset::get() @ 0x557868a3892f _ZZ4mainENKUliE1_clEi @ 0x5578689ad544 main @ 0x7f0271cff0b3 __libc_start_main @ 0x557868a366ce _start Aborted (core dumped)

The format of the .lst file is as follows (with an empty transcription):

train001 /home/jonah/Downloads/sample.wav 51000

Does anyone know what is going wrong here? Any help would be appreciated.

Additional Context

Running on Ubuntu 20.04 with an RTX 3080.