flashmob / go-guerrilla

Mini SMTP server written in golang
MIT License
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Redis backend: failed while db.Prepare(INSERT...) ... Unknown column 'return_path'... #46

Closed truedays closed 7 years ago

truedays commented 7 years ago


I'm attempting to use the guerrilla-db-redis backend. I've populated my mysql DB with the SQL provided in README.md but I still get the following error.

[root@Meteor go-guerrilla]# mysql
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 53
Server version: 5.5.52-MariaDB MariaDB Server

Copyright (c) 2000, 2016, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]> use gmail
Database changed
MariaDB [gmail]> CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `new_mail` (   `mail_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,   `date` datetime NOT NULL,   `from` varchar(128) character set latin1 NOT NULL,   `to` varchar(128) character set latin1 NOT NULL,   `subject` varchar(255) NOT NULL,   `body` text NOT NULL,   `charset` varchar(32) character set latin1 NOT NULL,   `mail` longblob NOT NULL,   `spam_score` float NOT NULL,   `hash` char(32) character set latin1 NOT NULL,   `content_type` varchar(64) character set latin1 NOT NULL,   `recipient` varchar(128) character set latin1 NOT NULL,   `has_attach` int(11) NOT NULL,   `ip_addr` varchar(15) NOT NULL,   `delivered` bit(1) NOT NULL default b'0',   `attach_info` text NOT NULL,   `dkim_valid` tinyint(4) default NULL,   PRIMARY KEY  (`mail_id`),   KEY `to` (`to`),   KEY `hash` (`hash`),   KEY `date` (`date`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB  DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

MariaDB [gmail]> Bye
[root@Meteor go-guerrilla]# ./guerrillad  -v serve
INFO[0000] guerrillad 1.5.1-30-g44d8a9d                 
DEBU[0000] Build Time: 2017-01-20_01:28:15_-0500        
DEBU[0000] Commit:     44d8a9dc97cd149d7cbce80a293dda9ff248ea97 
DEBU[0000] making servers                               
INFO[0000] Listening on TCP                  
DEBU[0000] [] Waiting for a new client. Next Client ID: 1 
INFO[0000] pid_file (/var/run/go-guerrilla.pid) written with pid:6849 
FATA[0000] failed while db.Prepare(INSERT...)            error="Received #1054 error from MySQL server: \"Unknown column 'return_path' in 'field list'\""

Shouldn't the schema be 1:1 not 15 of 17? (sorry for the poor illustration!):

[root@Meteor go-guerrilla]# mysql gmail -Ne 'desc new_mail' | nl
     1  mail_id int(11) NO      PRI     NULL    auto_increment
     2  date    datetime        NO      MUL     NULL
     3  from    varchar(128)    NO              NULL
     4  to      varchar(128)    NO      MUL     NULL
     5  subject varchar(255)    NO              NULL
     6  body    text    NO              NULL
     7  charset varchar(32)     NO              NULL
     8  mail    longblob        NO              NULL
     9  spam_score      float   NO              NULL
    10  hash    char(32)        NO      MUL     NULL
    11  content_type    varchar(64)     NO              NULL
    12  recipient       varchar(128)    NO              NULL
    13  has_attach      int(11) NO              NULL
    14  ip_addr varchar(15)     NO              NULL
    15  delivered       bit(1)  NO              b'0'
    16  attach_info     text    NO              NULL
    17  dkim_valid      tinyint(4)      YES             NULL
[root@Meteor go-guerrilla]# git grep return_path | tr , '\n' | nl
     1  backends/guerrilla_db_redis.go: sql += "(`date`
     2   `to`
     3   `from`
     4   `subject`
     5   `body`
     6   `charset`
     7   `mail`
     8   `spam_score`
     9   `hash`
    10   `content_type`
    11   `recipient`
    12   `has_attach`
    13   `ip_addr`
    14   `return_path`
    15   `is_tls`)"
flashmob commented 7 years ago

Hi, Looks the example schema given in Readme is wrong. Can you please try this schema and see if it works?

  `mail_id` BIGINT(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `date` datetime NOT NULL,
  `from` varchar(128) character set latin1 NOT NULL,
  `to` varchar(128) character set latin1 NOT NULL,
  `subject` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `body` text NOT NULL,
  `charset` varchar(32) character set latin1 NOT NULL,
  `mail` longblob NOT NULL,
  `spam_score` float NOT NULL,
  `hash` char(32) character set latin1 NOT NULL,
  `content_type` varchar(64) character set latin1 NOT NULL,
  `recipient` varchar(128) character set latin1 NOT NULL,
  `has_attach` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `ip_addr` varchar(15) NOT NULL,
  `return_path` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
  `is_tls` BIT(1) DEFAULT b'0' NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`mail_id`),
  KEY `to` (`to`),
  KEY `hash` (`hash`),
  KEY `date` (`date`)
truedays commented 7 years ago

Hi @flashmob ,

With that schema I get: FATA[0000] failed while db.Prepare(UPDATE...) error="Received #1146 error from MySQL server: \"Table 'gmail.gm2_setting' doesn't exist\""

flashmob commented 7 years ago

You'll need to create one more table:

CREATE TABLE gm2_setting
    setting_name VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL,
    setting_value TEXT,
    site_id INT(11) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL
CREATE INDEX setting_name ON gm2_setting (setting_name);

and then:

insert into gm2_setting (setting_name), ('received_emails')

truedays commented 7 years ago

The SQL CREATE Adding the _gm2setting table fixed my issue. :+1:

The subsequent SQL INSERT didn't work, but everything seems functional even with no data in that table. :thinking:

flashmob commented 7 years ago

Looking into it more, it looks like the SQL code in this file is outdated and different to what we have in prod. We no longer use the gm2_setting table to store the tally, we count the tallies in a different system and we only need to issue one query to update the tally every few seconds. Doing it for every email received is very inefficient. Also, the setting_value type is TEXT which is very inefficient to inclement, and will only work if you have turned off strict mode in MySQL https://support.kayako.com/article/472-how-do-i-disable-mysql-strict-mode-on-the-server. In conclusion, the guerrilla_db_redis.go is only an example, you would need to customize the query / saving to fit your own system.

Anyhow, thanks for pointing out these problems. An improved guerrilla_db_redis.go will be pushed soon that also has a query batching optimization.

truedays commented 7 years ago

Thank you @flashmob !