flashphoner / wcs-ios-sdk-samples

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SDK not working in release mode #2

Open paultnp opened 7 years ago

paultnp commented 7 years ago

The SDK is behaving very strange. When I keep my target in debug mode everything works fine and "fpwcsRoomManagerEventConnected" event gets called. As soon as I change my target to release mode, "fpwcsRoomManagerEventFailed" event gets called.

Any Idea about how to fix that?

shraddha-patel-1891 commented 6 years ago

Hello Paultnp, I am using this sdk for video chat.So First i required SIP connection.so any idea how to connect SIP first then generate video Stream?

flashphoner commented 6 years ago


Any Idea about how to fix that?

In release mode iOS validates SSL certificates. Make sure you have valid SSL certificate imported into your WCS server. Check if connection works with our demo server at wss://wcs5-eu.flashphoner.com:8443

any idea how to connect SIP first then generate video Stream?

Do you have working SIP account? You need SIP details such as login, password, sip domain, sip proxy, sip port. So you need a third party SIP provider or a PBX server where you can get SIP accounts for testing.

Feel free to post your cases on our official tech community at https://forum.flashphoner.com Our engineers will check and reply

shraddha-patel-1891 commented 6 years ago


Thank you flashphoner team.

shraddha-patel-1891 commented 6 years ago

Hello , i have tried SIP connection using wcs ios sdk but it's always failed.i entered my URL as ws://serverurl For example, ws:// Above URL set as domain.Also set username and password that registered on server. so, please suggest me how to made successful SIP Connection using wcs ios SDK? Thanks in advance.

flashphoner commented 6 years ago

Hello. Please create a thread on our support forums at https://forum.flashphoner.com. Our engineers may request SIP credentials for test.

manabNatit commented 5 years ago

My connection to WSS server is successful but when I am trying to publish, I am getting a crash on some thread. Even I can not understand why it is causing the crash. I am attaching the screenshots where I am getting the crash. I am using both your WSS server and mine WSS server no where it is working. BUT surprising thing is that when I tried to run in your demo code it is running with both your server and mine server. Please help. I am stuck in a loop. Did not find any help from web.

PLEASE HELP. Here is the publishing stream output:

stream FPWCSApi2Stream 0x12f30fa60 0x000000012f30fa60 NSObject NSObject
audioMuteFlag BOOL NO false videoMuteFlag BOOL NO false cameraOrientaionLocked BOOL NO false _receiveAudio BOOL YES true _receiveVideo BOOL YES true _published BOOL YES true _record BOOL NO false _stopped BOOL NO false _streamID __NSCFString
@"9DE6F7E9-5F39-43D9-A094-38B3F5AA2E15" 0x000000012b0f6a00 _mediaProvider NSCFConstantString @"WebRTC" 0x00000001032d70a8 _display RTCEAGLVideoView 0x12c958b00 0x000000012c958b00 _recordFileName NSString * nil 0x0000000000000000 _remoteBitrate long 0 _networkBandwidth long 0 _status kFPWCSStreamStatus kFPWCSStreamStatusPending _custom NSDictionaryM 0 key/value pairs 0x000000012b08b9b0 _callbacks __NSDictionaryM 3 key/value pairs 0x000000012c975f80 _name __NSCFConstantString @"manabtest" 0x00000001032a47e8 _constraints FPWCSApi2MediaConstraints 0x12f30fae0 0x000000012f30fae0 _rtmpUrl NSString nil 0x0000000000000000 _session FPWCSApi2Session 0x12f20b790 0x000000012f20b790 _mediaConnection FPWCSApi2MediaConnection * nil 0x0000000000000000

screen shot 2018-11-15 at 5 40 26 pm screen shot 2018-11-15 at 5 40 59 pm

flashphoner commented 5 years ago


Did you setup SSL on your server? Similar crash can be caused by wss connection and self signed certificates.

Please post your message on our tech forums https://forum.flashphoner.com It is only official support channel for now. Our engineers will check and reply.