i actually tried to get a search box in, but it requires loading the places library after the google key, and i think that without some significant effort on adding to the flask-googlemaps project or making a short term hack would be the only way
there also could be a possibility of going openstreet maps instead of google maps.
by @macgngsta in https://github.com/AHAAAAAAA/PokemonGo-Map/issues/396
As awesome as Flask-GoogleMaps is in creating a quick google map, there is no support for other google apis, such as places API
i actually tried to get a search box in, but it requires loading the places library after the google key, and i think that without some significant effort on adding to the flask-googlemaps project or making a short term hack would be the only way
there also could be a possibility of going openstreet maps instead of google maps.
So I think this is one easy thing to add