Refactoring in gmapjs.html reduces the size of generated html page due to functions, which are corresponding to every map, are defined once (e.g. addMarker, getInfoCallback...)
Refactoring in gmapjs.html simplifies a user work with a generated map. Now, all of useful information is contained in a {{ gmap.varname }} javascript dictionary. For example, if you expand a behavior for a plenty of maps by a function with a "map" parameter, you don't need to send parameters like {{ gmap.varname }}_markers. Just use {{ gmap.varname }} as a parameter.
Add a optional "user_position" option to Map. If it is true, map center will be set to user position after geolocation is accepted on browser. Thanks to ChadKillingsworth/geolocation-marker.
Add a optional "cluster_maxzoom" parameter to Map (default = 20). It sets a maximum zoom level where cluster marker appears.
Add a optional "mark_zoom" parameter to figures with an area. It sets a maximum zoom level where figure is invisible. If this parameter is set and the zoom level of map is less than it, the figure is invisible and represented by a marker. It is useful when a figure is small and when you want add it to cluster.