flathub / br.gov.fazenda.receita.irpf2023

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🇧🇷 Função de imprimir não funciona / 🇺🇸 Printing doesn't work #4

Closed guihkx closed 12 months ago

guihkx commented 2 years ago

🇧🇷 Como reproduzir o problema:

  1. Tenha uma declaração pelo menos parcialmente preenchida
  2. Aperte Ctrl+P para abrir a janela de impressão
  3. Escolha qualquer declaração
  4. Verifique que a opção Visualizar esteja selecionada
  5. Aperte Ok
  6. Aperte no botão com ícone de uma impressora, no canto superior esquerdo
  7. O seguinte erro aparecerá:


Possível origem do bug: https://github.com/flatpak/flatpak/issues/3355


  1. Salve o documento como arquivo PDF em ~/Documents
  2. Abra o arquivo PDF usando um navegador web
  3. Imprima o documento

🇺🇸 Steps to reproduce:

  1. Have a tax form at least partially filed
  2. Hit Ctrl+P to open the printing window
  3. Select any tax form
  4. Make sure the Visualizar radio button is the one selected
  5. Hit Ok
  6. Click the small printer button, located at the top left corner
  7. Error pops up:

    image TL;DR: "Failed to communicate with the printer"

Likely upstream bug: https://github.com/flatpak/flatpak/issues/3355


  1. Export the document as a PDF file to ~/Documents
  2. Open the PDF file with a web browser
  3. Print it
astroty commented 1 year ago

Same problem here. Printing doesn't work.

guihkx commented 1 year ago

@astroty Have you tried adding the CUPS permission? I.e.:

flatpak override --user --socket=cups br.gov.fazenda.receita.irpf

Then restart the app and try printing again.

astroty commented 1 year ago

I've tried it through flatseal and gave it pretty much every permission and it didn't seem to wanna work "Houve uma falha na comunicação com a impressora e não foi possível concluir a impressão. Recomendamos salvar a declaração em PDF e imprimi-la novamente." Or, if instead of clicking "Visualisar", I choose "Imprimir" instead, it gives me this different error message: image

The logs show F: CUPS configuration file '/home/user/.cups/client.conf': Erro ao abrir arquivo /home/user/.cups/client.conf: Arquivo ou diretório inexistente F: CUPS configuration file '/etc/cups/client.conf': Erro ao abrir arquivo /etc/cups/client.conf: Arquivo ou diretório inexistente

IRPF2023.log: https://gist.github.com/astroty/669efab7a1cc52d63ef58ba2c3f058c7

guihkx commented 1 year ago

Yeah, that's unfortunate. The error messages you're getting seem to match the ones from the issue I linked in my first post. I'm not aware of a workaround yet.

guihkx commented 1 year ago

This will likely be fixed if the issue below gets addressed:


Erick555 commented 12 months ago

It should be fixed in freedesktop 23.08.4+

guihkx commented 12 months ago

Confirming fixed. Thanks!