flathub / ch.protonmail.protonmail-bridge

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Update protonmail-bridge.deb to v3.1.2 #95

Closed flathubbot closed 1 year ago

flathubbot commented 1 year ago

🤖 This pull request was automatically generated by flathub/flatpak-external-data-checker. Please open an issue if you have any questions or complaints. 🤖

flathubbot commented 1 year ago

Started test build 24469

flathubbot commented 1 year ago

Build 24469 successful To test this build, install it from the testing repository:

flatpak install --user https://dl.flathub.org/build-repo/7115/ch.protonmail.protonmail-bridge.flatpakref
dsommers commented 1 year ago

When testing on RHEL-8.7 I get this error:

/app/lib/protonmail/bridge/bridge-gui: error while loading shared libraries: libgssapi_krb5.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
FATA[Feb 22 19:23:54.618] Failed to launch                              error="exit status 127" exe_path=/app/lib/protonmail/bridge/bridge-gui exe_to_launch=bridge-gui launcher_path=/app/lib/protonmail/bridge/proton-bridge launcher_version=3.0.17
A6GibKm commented 1 year ago

Yes, that issue is irrelevant to the distro used. I dont know what provides libgssapi_krb5.so.2 and I haven't had the time to find out, if anyone knows I can just bundle that.

dsommers commented 1 year ago

I dont know what provides libgssapi_krb5.so.2 and I haven't had the time to find out, if anyone knows I can just bundle that.

On RHEL/Fedora that's the krb5-libs package. A quick check on Ubuntu 22.04, it looks like the equivalent is libgssapi-krb5

skrivbar commented 1 year ago

404 when accessing https://dl.flathub.org/build-repo/7115/ch.protonmail.protonmail-bridge.flatpakref

Need this update since 2.3.0 show message to upgrade.

flathubbot commented 1 year ago

Started test build 25279

flathubbot commented 1 year ago

Build 25279 successful To test this build, install it from the testing repository:

flatpak install --user https://dl.flathub.org/build-repo/7928/ch.protonmail.protonmail-bridge.flatpakref
A6GibKm commented 1 year ago

I am about to give up on this, there are multiple issues, it fails to detect the secret service, it fails to communicate with it and lastly if you close it by killing the process it leaves a lock file that does not allow opening it again.

skrivbar commented 1 year ago

Thank you for quick response, I appreciate your effort.

Issues in test:

Conclusion not usable.

Alternative for OpenSUSE 15.4: zypper -v in protonmail-bridge-3.0.17-1.x86_64.rpm Ignore missing dependency 'dejavu-sans-fonts'

Turn on protonmail-bridge autoupdate.

dsommers commented 1 year ago

I've run some really quick tests again. Now it starts. But there are some odd issues.

INFO[Mar 01 01:17:36.151] lock file created /home/user/.var/app/ch.protonmail.protonmail-bridge/cache/protonmail/bridge-v3/bridge-v3-gui.lock
INFO[Mar 01 01:17:36.156] Launching bridge process with command "/app/lib/protonmail/bridge/bridge" --grpc --parent-pid 8 --launcher /app/lib/protonmail/bridge/proton-bridge
INFO[Mar 01 01:17:36.156] Retrieving gRPC service configuration from '/home/user/.var/app/ch.protonmail.protonmail-bridge/config/protonmail/bridge-v3/grpcServerConfig.json'
time="2023-03-01T01:17:36+01:00" level=info msg="Migrating keychain helper"
WARN[Mar  1 01:17:36.278] Sending info event [55102773f881499ca2cca971b12a4b75] to api.protonmail.ch project: 7  pkg=sentry-go
WARN[Mar  1 01:17:36.499] Captured message                              message="Vault is corrupt" reportID=55102773f881499ca2cca971b12a4b75
WARN[Mar  1 01:17:36.557] The vault is corrupt and has been wiped      
INFO[Mar 01 01:17:36.757] Connecting to gRPC service
INFO[Mar 01 01:17:36.757] Connection to gRPC server at unix:///tmp/bridge_d722cc51-c787-4594-be3f-42644f52d7a8.sock. attempt #1
INFO[Mar 01 01:17:36.762] Successfully connected to gRPC server.
INFO[Mar 01 01:17:36.762] Client config file was saved to '/home/user/.var/app/ch.protonmail.protonmail-bridge/config/protonmail/bridge-v3/grpcClientConfig_0.json'
INFO[Mar 01 01:17:36.762] gRPC token was validated
INFO[Mar 01 01:17:36.762] Connected to backend via gRPC service.

Restarting the Bridge results in all logged in accounts being logged out again. They are not registered as logged out in the "Proton Mail Settings -> Security and privacy" web portal. This would typically indicate that the saved session on the client side is not preserved. And I see that it complains about the vault being corrupt. I've not double checked this yet (too late in the night), but could it be it lacks privileges to store data in $HOME/.var/app/ch.protonmail.protonmail-bridge ?

A6GibKm commented 1 year ago

My guess is that the app is not using the secret service correctly, one does not need any permissions to do that besides the ones we already have.

skrivbar commented 1 year ago

My guess is that the app is not using the secret service correctly, one does not need any permissions to do that besides the ones we already have.

It uses gnome-keyring to store credentials (is or will also support pass, not sure if pass is ready). It works correctly if installed directly from rpm so does it need new permissions to access gnome-keyring from 2.3.0?

A6GibKm commented 1 year ago

gnome-keyring is a secret service provider, there is nothing special about it. If the app cannot talk with the secret service it is doing something wrong like talking to gnome-keyring directly. Note that not everyone uses gnome-keyring, some people actually use keepassXC as a secret service provider.

EDIT: To be clear, apps don't need to know who is providing the secret-service it is a "agnostic" protocol, they just talk to the dbus interface and it works.

flathubbot commented 1 year ago

Started test build 25531

flathubbot commented 1 year ago

Build 25531 successful To test this build, install it from the testing repository:

flatpak install --user https://dl.flathub.org/build-repo/8190/ch.protonmail.protonmail-bridge.flatpakref
dsommers commented 1 year ago

I've retested more today. Same issue as before. More observations:

It feels like there is a temporary $HOME/.var/app/ch.protonmail.protonmail-bridge/ directory not maintained.

Build tested: https://dl.flathub.org/build-repo/8190/ch.protonmail.protonmail-bridge.flatpakref

flathubbot commented 1 year ago

Started test build 29152

flathubbot commented 1 year ago

Build 29152 successful To test this build, install it from the testing repository:

flatpak install --user https://dl.flathub.org/build-repo/11818/ch.protonmail.protonmail-bridge.flatpakref
flathubbot commented 1 year ago

Started test build 37881

flathubbot commented 1 year ago

Build 37881 successful To test this build, install it from the testing repository:

flatpak install --user https://dl.flathub.org/build-repo/20525/ch.protonmail.protonmail-bridge.flatpakref
flathubbot commented 1 year ago

Started test build 37888

A6GibKm commented 1 year ago

I am happy to say that the problems we had were fixed on my side after the latest update. I'll merge as soon as I have one or two confirmations that build 37888 works as expected.

Works as expected means:

flathubbot commented 1 year ago

Build 37888 successful To test this build, install it from the testing repository:

flatpak install --user https://dl.flathub.org/build-repo/20532/ch.protonmail.protonmail-bridge.flatpakref
dsommers commented 1 year ago

I can confirm build-repo/20525/ and build-repo/20532 works more as expected. This now stores the session credentials as expected and restarting the app reuses the already logged in sessions.

Will report back in a few days again.

A6GibKm commented 1 year ago

I noticed that if one forcefully closes the app the lock persists and then fails to start until the lock is deleted, this shouldn't be an issue in practice.

rvlobato commented 1 year ago

Hi @A6GibKm, the build 37888 seems to work here, I opened and closed several times and it started normally. Thank you so much for updating it.

A6GibKm commented 1 year ago

Thanks everyone for the patience.

dsommers commented 1 year ago

Thank you, @A6GibKm for being persistent in trying to solve this. We all appreciate your efforts!