flathub / com.github.bleakgrey.tootle

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Broken UX on KDE #8

Closed jalcine closed 3 years ago

jalcine commented 5 years ago

The patch made here ruins the experience of me using Tootle on KDE. screenshot_20181212_095009

Video: https://noctule.jacky.wtf/s/9PHoAzL3JorWCEx

bilelmoussaoui commented 5 years ago

Not the app issue. It's a KWin issue, , report upstream, please.

jalcine commented 5 years ago

It is an app issue; Tootle or the Flatpak provided by Tootle is enforcing a client side theme that doesn't exist on my machine.

How did you determine it being a KWin issue without even testing it?

jalcine commented 5 years ago

The bug is occurring because of this extraneous patch: https://github.com/flathub/com.github.bleakgrey.tootle/blob/master/elementary-theme.patch

It doesn't provide any user value and when I remove it, the application works fine.

cagatay-y commented 5 years ago

GTK+ just fallbacks to an existing theme when the requested theme is not found. Also, looking at the screenshot you posted, it looks like you have the theme. I wonder how you determined it was not tested, or the issue is caused by theming. Also, that patch does provide user value, just look at #4. The app is intended to be used with the elementary theme and designed according to that. If you want to read more on why one cannot simply change the theme and hope it works, there is a nice blog post on that: https://blogs.gnome.org/tbernard/2018/10/15/restyling-apps-at-scale/

bilelmoussaoui commented 5 years ago

As I mentioned before, the theme is embedded in the app itself. The app is having the theme, I'm pretty sure that KWin doesn't render either the client side decoration or has an issue with rendering the window's shadow.

Mikaela commented 5 years ago

Hi, I just asked about this at #kde on freenode wondering if I should open the issue to KWin and and they suggested me to:

and this is the result

From here they said that it seems that Tootle is making a much bigger window than necessary and thus there is a little that KWin can make to do towards this, so I think this issue should be reopened.

bilelmoussaoui commented 5 years ago

How should I fix it here, please? Other than removing the elementary theme patch I don't see any possible ways to fix it, which will just make the application look unfinished with ugly widgets and missing icons.

Can you please open the Gtk inspector, select the main window and send a screenshot of the classes that are used? What If you switch the gtk theme to Adwaita on the Gtk Inspector, does it fix the issue?

TingPing commented 5 years ago

@bilelmoussaoui Its probably a bug in the elementary theme (or custom css the app has) so I'd discuss it with them.

bilelmoussaoui commented 5 years ago

@TingPing A lot of elementary apps with the pached theme have somehow the same issue on KDE (not only KDE?) See this one for example: https://github.com/flathub/com.github.robertsanseries.ciano/issues/3

Mikaela commented 5 years ago

Can you please open the Gtk inspector, select the main window and send a screenshot of the classes that are used?

I fear I don't understand what you are asking, does this look correct?

screenshot from 2019-01-21 20-29-58

What If you switch the gtk theme to Adwaita on the Gtk Inspector, does it fix the issue?

Yes, it does.

screenshot from 2019-01-21 20-30-46

This is the first time I have ever opened GTK inspector, I had to Google what it is and how do I get it open. I found and followed the instructions from https://askubuntu.com/a/748152.

TingPing commented 5 years ago

A lot of elementary apps with the pached theme have somehow the same issue on KDE (not only KDE?)

On GNOME the initial window has a massive border around it to.

bilelmoussaoui commented 5 years ago

Ok, it seems to be an elementary theme issue. They don't have a .solid-csd defined on their stylesheet. Will open an issue upstream about that. https://github.com/elementary/stylesheet/issues/468 Elementary guys have the same issue on their platform too with apps like PlayOnLinux. Will backport the patch to the elementary baseApp once it's fixed upstream.

bilelmoussaoui commented 4 years ago

Can someone try to reproduce this after today's update?

jalcine commented 4 years ago

I'll try it.

jalcine commented 4 years ago


Still getting a border.

bilelmoussaoui commented 4 years ago

Sorry, the latest build wasn't published yet. It should be there in few minutes

jalcine commented 4 years ago

Last update on https://flathub.org/apps/details/com.github.bleakgrey.tootle looks like it was a year ago?

bilelmoussaoui commented 4 years ago

Because the release date from that page shows the "real" release date. I just bumped the runtime, GTK & icon themes.

naipotato commented 3 years ago

:eyes: since Tootle is not using the elementary theme anymore, I think this can be closed, right?

jalcine commented 3 years ago


Also, lol, I use elementary now so 🤷🏾