flathub / com.github.wwmm.pulseeffects

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Update and change download source for boost #50

Closed vchernin closed 3 years ago

vchernin commented 3 years ago

Updates boost module to 1.76.0 from 1.75.0. This is for the master branch, that should forever stay on 4.0.x (pulseaudio only). It can be considered a simple maintenance change. Perhaps flathubbot could be made to automatically make PR's for boost.org's files to automate these changes in the future. I'm not sure how exactly that's done so for now this is just a manual change.

Updates download url to no longer use the shut down bintray, news sourced from boost.org. See this blog post announcing the change.

Curiously the date on the blog post is in the future (published September 2nd 2021), but the reasoning behind the post does seem to be correct, bintray.com is no longer operational as of May 1st 2021 according to bintray itself. Update: It appears boost.org disabled their time machine, and their blog post now reads April 29th 2021 which seems more reasonable.

There is no open issue for this specific fix.

This change was also tested as part of https://github.com/flathub/com.github.wwmm.pulseeffects/pull/51 so if that PR is safe to approve this one should probably be ok as well.

flathubbot commented 3 years ago

Started test build 47064

flathubbot commented 3 years ago

Build 47064 successful To test this build, install it from the testing repository:

flatpak install --user https://dl.flathub.org/build-repo/45262/com.github.wwmm.pulseeffects.flatpakref
hfiguiere commented 3 years ago
