Closed Leeo97one closed 5 years ago
Probably not possible but I'm not familiar with it, do you have a link to any more information?
I guess this is better handled here anyway:
The flatpak version of discord now support RPC Can you support this on this flatpak please? You can found a WIP for steam her
Maybe @gasinvein can make a PR.
Done. I don't have a Play Music account, so please test this build.
Thanks for you work on this support @gasinvein :) But your patch doesn't work :/ The script seems to not create the simlink into the flatpak container :
amosar@amosar-Fix:/run/user/1000$ flatpak run --command=/bin/bash com.googleplaymusicdesktopplayer.GPMDP/x86_64/stable
bash-4.4$ ls -l $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 3 amosar amosar 60 10 déc. 00:02 app
srwxrwxr-x 1 amosar amosar 0 10 déc. 00:02 at-spi-bus
srwxrwxr-x 1 amosar amosar 0 10 déc. 00:02 bus
drwxr-xr-x 2 amosar amosar 60 9 déc. 18:36 discord
dr-x------ 2 amosar amosar 0 1 janv. 1970 doc
lrwxrwxrwx 1 amosar amosar 22 10 déc. 00:02 flatpak-info -> ../../../.flatpak-info
drwxr-xr-x 2 amosar amosar 80 10 déc. 00:02 pulse
-rw------- 0 amosar amosar 56 10 déc. 00:02 Xauthority
bash-4.4$ ls -l $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/discord/
total 0
srwxrwxr-x 1 amosar amosar 0 9 déc. 18:36 ipc-0
If I run your loop manually and then I run gpmdp
into the container then the integration work
flatpak run --command=/bin/bash com.googleplaymusicdesktopplayer.GPMDP/x86_64/stable
This way the code in the wrapper script wouldn't work, because the wrapper isn't executed at all.
Run the warpper google-play-music-desktop-player
directly from sandbox shell, or use desktop launcher.
I have tried but that doesn't work, this is why I have tried to run the loop manually
That's strange. Can you please run bash -x google-play-music-desktop-player
(from inside sandbox) and post output here?
I have found something new when I have launch your commande, but thats weird If I run your command directly the process number is small than 10 and discord refused to use it But if I kill it with CTRL+C then I run your command again this work. this one not work
And this one work
Well, does the wrapper create symlinks for you?
Yes it create it because it can communicate with the discord container and bash -x google-play-music-desktop-player
execute the loop as expected.
I suggest hunting down where that min PID assumption comes from. It's invalid for Flatpak
How can we let this flatpak notify a Discord client about rich presence?