flathub / com.jagex.RuneScape

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Crash with malloc error #193

Open visor841 opened 2 years ago

visor841 commented 2 years ago

Kubuntu 22.04.

The flatpak crashes every so often for me. The crashes seem random, sometimes it crashes within 5 minutes, sometimes it crashes after a few hours. I recently ran the flatpak in terminal, and the error I got was malloc(): unsorted double linked list corrupted

Garbee commented 2 years ago

Pretty sure this would be a problem with the game itself. malloc is memory allocation in C/C++.

The main way to tell if it is the flatpak would be to run the game native and see if it continues to crash at all.

JGCarroll commented 2 years ago

There's been a bug in the Mesa drivers since June 2021 until June 16th 2022 / Mesa 22.1.2.


I'd presume that this is the same issue, and that the Flatpak GL runtime hasn't updated to the newer libs yet.

A6GibKm commented 1 year ago

See https://github.com/flathub/com.jagex.RuneScape/issues/194#issuecomment-1201135069