flathub / com.jagex.RuneScape

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Allow PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC to be overridden by runescape.sh #205

Closed nmlynch94 closed 1 year ago

nmlynch94 commented 1 year ago

Jagex added a hard-coded pulse latency value that was wiping out a user-provided value for this env var. Added a sed command to comment out their hard-code.

Fixes #204

flathubbot commented 1 year ago

Started test build 42438

flathubbot commented 1 year ago

Build 42438 successful To test this build, install it from the testing repository:

flatpak install --user https://dl.flathub.org/build-repo/25067/com.jagex.RuneScape.flatpakref
nmlynch94 commented 1 year ago

Not sure who is supposed to test this, but for what it is worth I installed this and the variable appears to be setting correctly now. Also manually confirmed that the export in the runescape-launcher script gets commented out as expected.

flathubbot commented 1 year ago

Started test build 47547

Garbee commented 1 year ago

Once all the checks are done from the rebase we can merge this.

I at first was considering commenting out vs deletion of the line entirely. But I came to realize it kinda doesn't matter since if Jagex updates this later then either way it is busted. Then I just outright forgot to come back until I saw the package update in my notifications from a couple days ago.

Ideally Jagex would use a default value if not defined, ref: https://stackoverflow.com/a/2013589 for example. But in leu of them understanding how to write a script this at least functions. Since in our case we want the default of the environment or people to set it directly anyways. So for us this can work better since their default may end up screwing things from Flatpak's env up more.

flathubbot commented 1 year ago

Build 47547 successful To test this build, install it from the testing repository:

flatpak install --user https://dl.flathub.org/build-repo/30156/com.jagex.RuneScape.flatpakref
Garbee commented 1 year ago

And it is in. Thank you for the contribution.