flathub / com.jetbrains.IntelliJ-IDEA-Ultimate

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Markdown preview doesn't work on Ubuntu 24.04 #190

Open Spikhalskiy opened 1 month ago

Spikhalskiy commented 1 month ago

Markdown previews don't display in Idea installed on Ubuntu 24.04 through flathub. Logs don't contain any relevant errors. Everything works as expected on the installation directly from Intellij tarball.

x80486 commented 1 month ago

I installed Ubuntu 24.04 and the Flatpak distribution of IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate and I see no issues with the preview of Markdown files.

Would you be able to share the file you are trying to preview?

Notice that sometimes the IDE freezes with the previews (Markdown and AsciiDoc) when you have links to external context. Toggling from preview, back and forth, solves the problem all the time.

Spikhalskiy commented 1 month ago

@x80486 it's not file-specific, it manifests on any .md for my system. Screenshot from 2024-06-07 14-05-06

x80486 commented 1 month ago

What do you see in the IDE logs and systemd if/when you toggle from editor to editor/preview — or just preview?