flathub / com.jetbrains.PyCharm-Community

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Start fails: cannot connect to already running IDE instance #547

Open fungs opened 1 year ago

fungs commented 1 year ago

On LinuxMint

> flatpak run --branch=stable --arch=x86_64 --command=pycharm com.jetbrains.PyCharm-Community
pycharm-wrapper: Setting up NPM packages
pycharm-wrapper: Setting up Cargo packages
pycharm-wrapper: Setting up Python packages
pycharm-wrapper: Setting up Ruby packages
CompileCommand: exclude com/intellij/openapi/vfs/impl/FilePartNodeRoot.trieDescend bool exclude = true

Start Failed
Cannot connect to already running IDE instance.
Exception: Process 2 is still running

Same issue here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1462372/ubuntu-cannot-launch-intellij-anymore and here: https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/10865358461202-Intellij-cannot-launch-because-process-2-already-running

and obviously related: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-326405/IDEA-2023.1-cannot-start-when-a-config-directory-resides-on-network-mount-SocketException-Operation-not-permitted-in

It might be due to read-only access to some folders.

The only way for me was to downgrade to pycharm-community version 2023.1.4 using

sudo flatpak update --commit 1f73f2413c7f592dd0f2d241c62946d16187c3a94613ac5330be08276dddffb8 com.jetbrains.PyCharm-Community
blauigris commented 1 year ago


ivanrome commented 10 months ago

Linux Mint: Failed to load module "xapp-gtk3-module"

user:~$ flatpak list PyCharm-Community com.jetbrains.PyCharm-Community 2023.2.3 stable system

user:~$ flatpak run com.jetbrains.PyCharm-Community
pycharm-wrapper: Setting up NPM packages
pycharm-wrapper: Setting up Cargo packages
pycharm-wrapper: Setting up Python packages
pycharm-wrapper: Setting up Ruby packages
CompileCommand: exclude com/intellij/openapi/vfs/impl/FilePartNodeRoot.trieDescend bool exclude = true

Start Failed
Cannot connect to already running IDE instance.
Exception: Process 2 is still running
Gtk-Message: 10:23:35.770: Failed to load module "xapp-gtk3-module"
fungs commented 10 months ago

In the meanwhile, I saw this post (German tech magazine): https://www.heise.de/ratgeber/PyCharm-zickt-wegen-eines-anderen-Prozesses-9337731.html

They suggest that the issue is a dangling lock file, which would be easy to remove to get rid of the error.

I moved to the native package (installed via ubuntu-make/umake) because of general issues and crashes of the flatpak version. There are many issues which have to do with how the flatpak packs binaries like git, poetry etc. There are inherent limitation with calling system binaries etc.

My feeling is that we have to convince JetBrains to release an official flatpak (instead or in addition to the snap package), or it will likely not improve.

Madlykeanu commented 7 months ago

same issue here