flathub / com.logseq.Logseq

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xdg flatpak dotfiles location #22

Open lionblaze55 opened 1 year ago

lionblaze55 commented 1 year ago

The flatpak currently dumps the .logseq folder into the home directory, which is not current standard for flatpak sand-boxing if I am not mistaken. the --persist=path flag can be added to change this and spawn the config folder in the .var/app folder as is currently recommended. Is there any reason not to make this change I am not aware of? Thanks in advance!

kanru commented 1 year ago

Is there a safe migration path for already installed flatpaks? I'll also do some research but tia.

lionblaze55 commented 1 year ago

For my copy of logseq I merely set the flag myself in flatseal and copied the config files from the old location in my home folder to the new designated spot, I am unsure of any cleaner/easier way to do it as of now. I also did this for one or two other apps that similarly did not use the standard.

kanru commented 1 year ago

From the document it looks like --persist is used when the application doesn't have access to real $HOME.

Logseq flatpak has access to user home by default because it needs access to a whole directory, and I haven't tested how the xdg file portal work in this case.

If you are using flatseal then you can continue to set --persist and restrict Logseq to only some directories.

Termuellinator commented 12 months ago

Just to clear that up for anyone else stumbling on this: i had the issue that logseq wouldn't keep themes and plugins and recent files and so on, because i removed the general access to ~ and only provided the folders for the data. --persist=.logseq (i've done it in flatseal) solves that issue it seems :)