flathub / com.makemkv.MakeMKV

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Update to 1.17.4 #53

Closed Perkolator closed 1 year ago

Perkolator commented 1 year ago

Hello, please update to 1.17.4 (29.5.2023), the previous version 1.17.3 expires today. Many thanks!

Procsiab commented 1 year ago

Hi, I have the same issue and it seems that the pull request https://github.com/flathub/com.makemkv.MakeMKV/pull/55 should be able to fix this, by upgrading the software. However the automatic build for the Flatpak seems to be failing because of the expired TLS certificate on MakeMKV's website, which in turn make some check fail during the build (as shown on the logs here)

The error can be triggered even from a browser (tested with the latest Firefox at the time of writing): by going to the URL https://makemkv.com the following error is reported:


In addition, from the browser it is possible to easily inspect the certificate and confirm that its "Not After" property is set to Sat, 06 May 2023 00:14:31 GMT

Back to the Flatpak build: the failing step involves the run of the tool org.flathub.flatpak-external-data-checker; I tryed to replicate the build on my local machine to see if it would succeed without running that checker tool: I got the error discussed in the following thread on MakeMKV's forums: https://forum.makemkv.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&p=135873 This seems to be related to the very recent FFMpeg 6.0, which deprecates the av_mallocz_array function; I followed the advice inside the forum thread and replaced it with av_calloc inside the file libffabi/src/ffabi.c at line 481 for the module makemkv-oss. To use the changed code, after downloading the TAR.GZ archive of the makemkv-oss code, extracting, applying the patch to the aforementioned file and finally repacking it as TAR.GZ, I also patched the YAML manifest file for the module makemkv-oss, updating the line with the correct SHA256 and changed from url to path with the value of the absolute path of that archive on my machine.

I could finally let the build run for on my Intel Core i3 5005U, which took about half an hour. By the way, the build succeded! I can also report that the MakeMKV Flatpak is functional at version 1.17.4. gui_license_makemkv-1 17 4

JamesBelchamber commented 1 year ago

Build is in #56, please test :)

Procsiab commented 1 year ago

Before testing, I looked at the new commits from @JamesBelchamber to understand what was needed to make the build succeed:

I can confirm that the test build is working on my machine ™

Screenshot from 2023-06-03 18-55-56

Perkolator commented 1 year ago

it does not apper to be an easy way to send the MakeMKV devs a "pull request"

If you want to try, support@makemkv.com was previously in the FAQ section of the site (now that section doesn't work).

Procsiab commented 1 year ago

I tried to send them a mail, referencing also that forum thread with the discussion on FFMpeg 6 support; probably it should be better to follow on on this matter into another issue, if they reply.

michaelkuhn commented 1 year ago

Fixed by #56.