flathub / com.mojang.Minecraft

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application launcher fails to complete #143

Open tormodmacleod opened 10 months ago

tormodmacleod commented 10 months ago


i'm having trouble launching the application. it only works maybe 1 time out of 10 and never seems to retain my login information

it usually hangs entering my login and clicking on the Let's Go prompt on the Welcome to XBox screen


below is the output from running it on the command line

$ flatpak run com.mojang.Minecraft  
[0820/140547.059331:INFO:main_context.cpp(136)] CEF initialized successfully.
[0820/140547.059439:INFO:main_context.cpp(138)] CEF version: 99.2.14+g3f796b8+chromium-99.0.4844.84
sh: line 1: orca: command not found
[0820/140547.084784:ERROR:simple_backend_impl.cc(735)] Simple Cache Backend: wrong file structure on disk: 2 path: /home/sarah/.var/app/com.mojang.Minecraft/data/../.minecraft/webcache2/Code Cache/js
[0820/140547.084943:ERROR:simple_backend_impl.cc(735)] Simple Cache Backend: wrong file structure on disk: 2 path: /home/sarah/.var/app/com.mojang.Minecraft/data/../.minecraft/webcache2/Code Cache/wasm
[0820/140547.085125:ERROR:simple_backend_impl.cc(735)] Simple Cache Backend: wrong file structure on disk: 2 path: /home/sarah/.var/app/com.mojang.Minecraft/data/../.minecraft/webcache2/Code Cache/js
[0820/140547.085301:ERROR:simple_backend_impl.cc(735)] Simple Cache Backend: wrong file structure on disk: 2 path: /home/sarah/.var/app/com.mojang.Minecraft/data/../.minecraft/webcache2/Code Cache/wasm
[0820/140547.085349:ERROR:disk_cache.cc(185)] Unable to create cache
[0820/140547.085376:ERROR:disk_cache.cc(185)] Unable to create cache
Created browser window for reuse: 0x6400003
[0820/140547.224746:ERROR:sandbox_linux.cc(377)] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
[0820/140547.811295:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "The AudioContext was not allowed to start. It must be resumed (or created) after a user gesture on the page. https://goo.gl/7K7WLu", source: https://mojang/launcher/static/js/app.77b9cd5c.bundle.js (2)
[0820/140548.323615:WARNING:value_store_frontend.cc(47)] Reading mhjfbmdgcfjbbpaeojofohoefgiehjai.alarms from  failed: IO error: .../LOCK: Access denied. (ChromeMethodBFE: 15::LockFile::5)
Created browser window for reuse: 0x6400015
[0820/140616.918728:INFO:LauncherAppRenderer.cpp(542)] OnContextReleased: no frame (unknown context), browser id=2
[0820/140617.063668:INFO:LauncherAppRenderer.cpp(542)] OnContextReleased: no frame (unknown context), browser id=2
[0820/140617.702625:ERROR:simple_backend_impl.cc(735)] Simple Cache Backend: wrong file structure on disk: 2 path: /home/sarah/.var/app/com.mojang.Minecraft/data/../.minecraft/webcache2/Cache/Cache_Data
[0820/140617.703418:ERROR:simple_backend_impl.cc(735)] Simple Cache Backend: wrong file structure on disk: 2 path: /home/sarah/.var/app/com.mojang.Minecraft/data/../.minecraft/webcache2/Cache/Cache_Data
[0820/140617.703573:ERROR:disk_cache.cc(185)] Unable to create cache
Created browser window for reuse: 0x640001c
[0820/140628.804446:INFO:LauncherAppRenderer.cpp(52)] [Info: 2023-08-20 13:05:46.790867153: LauncherMain.cpp(116)] Initiated models
[0820/140628.804833:INFO:LauncherAppRenderer.cpp(52)] [Info: 2023-08-20 13:05:46.791156236: LauncherController.cpp(616)] Constructing launcher controller with workDir: /.../.minecraft, isActive: 0
[0820/140628.805205:INFO:LauncherAppRenderer.cpp(52)] [Info: 2023-08-20 13:06:19.782178831: LauncherAppRenderer.cpp(173)] Javascript bridge extended in OnWebKitInitialized.
[0820/140629.112978:INFO:LauncherAppRenderer.cpp(542)] OnContextReleased: no frame (unknown context), browser id=3
[0820/140629.199551:INFO:LauncherAppRenderer.cpp(70)] OnBrowserDestroyed: id=3
[0820/140629.261956:WARNING:connection.cc(61)] X error received.  Request: DestroyWindowRequest, Error: WindowError{.sequence = 11195, .bad_value = 104857629, .minor_opcode = 0, .major_opcode = 4}

i usually try to leave it on that screen for about ten minutes before giving up and killing all the processes because i can't get them all to go away simply by closing the window

i've also had limited success deleting the following directory but it's not a silver bullet

$ rm -rf ~/.var/app/com.mojang.Minecraft/

i wondered whether my issue may be related to https://github.com/flathub/com.mojang.Minecraft/issues/116 so i added the two overrides as below. but this doesn't appear to have made much difference

$ flatpak override --show --user com.mojang.Minecraft

[System Bus Policy]

i'd be grateful for any help with this. my system details are below

$ flatpak info com.mojang.Minecraft

Minecraft - Create your own world in one of the most popular video games

          ID: com.mojang.Minecraft
         Ref: app/com.mojang.Minecraft/x86_64/stable
        Arch: x86_64
      Branch: stable
     Version: 1.0.1221
     License: LicenseRef-proprietary
      Origin: flathub
  Collection: org.flathub.Stable
Installation: system
   Installed: 67.6 MB
     Runtime: org.freedesktop.Platform/x86_64/22.08
         Sdk: org.freedesktop.Sdk/x86_64/22.08

      Commit: 205f41809ec8be4ac6fe553acb6e2998807d455ebea2433fc40070bd55d38869
      Parent: f7fb10b49d4a0d9ebbafb3c61967895df37ca94e5653695ff788bb424d083d52
     Subject: Update project icon to the new launcher icon (#140) (8588bd2e)
        Date: 2023-06-25 13:09:42 +0000

$ cat /etc/os-release 
NAME="Fedora Linux"
VERSION="36 (KDE Plasma)"
PRETTY_NAME="Fedora Linux 36 (KDE Plasma)"
AsciiWolf commented 10 months ago

I was not able to reproduce your issue on my Fedora Workstation 38 (GNOME Wayland) system. Everything seems to work fine:



It may be a KDE (KWallet) bug.

tormodmacleod commented 10 months ago

fwiw i get the same issue on a fresh install of fedora 38 kde spin in a VM


MrJake222 commented 9 months ago

Same issue, tried: sudo flatpak override com.mojang.Minecraft --talk-name=org.kde.kwalletd5

But still getting a couple of errors (sorted, uniqued):

ERROR:browser_main_loop.cc(268)] Gdk: _gdk_frame_clock_freeze: assertion 'GDK_IS_FRAME_CLOCK (clock)' failed
ERROR:disk_cache.cc(184)] Unable to create cache
ERROR:disk_cache.cc(185)] Unable to create cache
ERROR:gl_surface_presentation_helper.cc(259)] GetVSyncParametersIfAvailable() failed for 1 times!
ERROR:gl_surface_presentation_helper.cc(259)] GetVSyncParametersIfAvailable() failed for 2 times!
ERROR:gl_surface_presentation_helper.cc(259)] GetVSyncParametersIfAvailable() failed for 3 times!
ERROR:gl_surface_presentation_helper.cc(260)] GetVSyncParametersIfAvailable() failed for 1 times!
ERROR:sandbox_linux.cc(374)] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
ERROR:sandbox_linux.cc(377)] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
ERROR:simple_backend_impl.cc(735)] Simple Cache Backend: wrong file structure on disk: 2 path: /home/norbert/.var/app/com.mojang.Minecraft/data/../.minecraft/webcache2/Cache/Cache_Data
ERROR:simple_backend_impl.cc(735)] Simple Cache Backend: wrong file structure on disk: 2 path: /home/norbert/.var/app/com.mojang.Minecraft/data/../.minecraft/webcache2/Code Cache/js
ERROR:simple_backend_impl.cc(735)] Simple Cache Backend: wrong file structure on disk: 2 path: /home/norbert/.var/app/com.mojang.Minecraft/data/../.minecraft/webcache2/Code Cache/wasm
ERROR:simple_backend_impl.cc(757)] Simple Cache Backend: wrong file structure on disk: 2 path: /home/norbert/.var/app/com.mojang.Minecraft/data/../.minecraft/webcache2/Cache
ERROR:simple_backend_impl.cc(757)] Simple Cache Backend: wrong file structure on disk: 2 path: /home/norbert/.var/app/com.mojang.Minecraft/data/../.minecraft/webcache2/Code Cache/js
ERROR:simple_backend_impl.cc(757)] Simple Cache Backend: wrong file structure on disk: 2 path: /home/norbert/.var/app/com.mojang.Minecraft/data/../.minecraft/webcache2/Code Cache/wasm