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ffmpeg is built with --enable-nonfree and as such can't be redistributed as a binary #48

Closed ocrete closed 4 years ago

ocrete commented 4 years ago

The ffmpeg build distributed by Flathub is illegal. It included a copyright violation. You're not allowed to distribute binaries built with --enable-nonfree. In this case, it probably means removing fdk-aac and replacing it with another aac encoder (like the one built into ffmpeg itself).

dgcampea commented 4 years ago

ffmpeg aac encoder is decent (by: https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Encode/HighQualityAudio). I don't mind removing fdk-aac and defaulting to built-in. @TingPing thoughts? Edit: https://wiki.hydrogenaud.io/index.php?title=Fraunhofer_FDK_AAC#Free_Software.3F It's "freedom" status varies actually.

ocrete commented 4 years ago

Irrelevant of the FDK-AAC encoder freedomness, its license is not GPL compatible, so you can't distribute it with OBS .. or as a dependency of ffmpeg. The ffmpeg maintainers are quite clear of what they think of builds distributed with --enable-nonfree