flathub / com.obsproject.Studio

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Capture Hardware such as Blackmagic Intensity Pro is not detected by OBS Studio #93

Closed Zachs-Kappler closed 3 years ago

Zachs-Kappler commented 3 years ago

The current permission(s) for this Flatpak is blocking OBS Studio from seeing such hardware. I've tinkered around with things in flatseal and dug through the documentation to figure out how to just allow full access for video devices but haven't had any luck.

I'm using the latest x86-64 version of this flatpak as of writing, which has OBS 26.1.0. I know this isn't a hardware or driver issue because OBS Studio can see and successfully access the capture card if I install it through apt from the PPA on the OBS website.

TingPing commented 3 years ago

I'm not very familiar with hardware like that but we already have the broadest permissions possible.

Have you followed this? https://github.com/flathub/com.obsproject.Studio/wiki/BlackMagic-Support

I would guess that shouldn't be needed since it works in the other package but more digging would need to be done to figure out the difference.

sat3ll commented 3 years ago

Support for BlackMagic devices in OBS is done via a proprietary library that gets installed with the drivers, you need to build the BlackMagic libs extension for flatpak OBS. You might need to tweak the archive filenames https://github.com/flathub/com.obsproject.Studio/blob/18ecf5afcb8418d05ce07d3fb8a541a9c69357b9/com.obsproject.Studio.BlackMagicLibs.json#L15-L16 since it hasn't been updated in a while.

Zachs-Kappler commented 3 years ago

I must have missed that bit. I've successfully modified the JSON to look for the files in the most recent stable release of the drivers, but currently all I see in OBS is lime green wherever I put the video from my Intensity Pro. I do however get audio through it just fine. Is there anything else I need to look at to get it working with the 11.7 drivers?

sat3ll commented 3 years ago

That's a non-flatpak bug, see https://github.com/obsproject/obs-studio/issues/3277, https://github.com/obsproject/obs-studio/issues/3872

Zachs-Kappler commented 3 years ago

Ah, I see. I guess that means this can be marked as solved then since it isn't specific to this repo then.