flathub / com.prusa3d.PrusaSlicer

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Launching from file outside of home directory failing on Debian 12 (bookworm) in KDE/Plasma #120

Open trainmeditations opened 3 days ago

trainmeditations commented 3 days ago

In relation to this comment

After installing the flatpak, I'm able to launch it from the launcher, but when I try to launch it from a 3mf or stl file in Dolphin, nothing happens. I then tried to open it with xdg-open from konsole with the following

prompt> xdg-open test.3mf
kf.service.services: KApplicationTrader: mimeType "x-scheme-handler/file" not found
prompt>  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Message: 22:38:49: Starting PrusaSlicer flatpak with entrypoint script
Message: 22:38:49: INFO: using dark theme variant
No such file: file:///run/user/1000/doc/7017e5f1/test.3mf

I've included but replaced my prompt here to show the full output context and that it continues after my prompt returns.

The file is not in my home directory, it's in a mounted shared partition.

I have used the flatpak kcm module to add the parent path to the flatpak permissions, however this didn't seem to remedy the problem.

However, I just tried to copy the file to my home directory, and then it opens the file fine. So it seems to be having issues with the XDG document portal which from what I understand is used for files outside of the users home directory.

I had spelt the path incorrectly. Giving the package permission to the directory does indeed allow it to open the files, however this is only half a remedy. The package should be able to open them from the XDG document portal for files outside of directories it doesn't have permission to.

Please let me know if there's any other information I can provide or any other tests you'd like me to run.

xarbit commented 3 days ago

Thanks .. Ill look in to this and setup a Debian with KDE Environment