flathub / com.rawtherapee.RawTherapee

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Changes to options file deleted #25

Open OldNick opened 1 year ago

OldNick commented 1 year ago

My question is how to change the options file without it being deleted/replaced with the "factory" options file which seems to come with the default flatpak installation? I modify the file and on starting RT it reverts and my changes are lost.

This is important for my own customisations - certain customisations are only available through editing the file itself.

Certain fields are not available through the preferences dialogue, in particular the location of the lensfun database. As I note that, while the RT app has been updated to 59 (for which thanks), the lensfun database has not been, so my cameras and some of my lenses are not available for lens correction.

hfiguiere commented 1 year ago

are you sure you are editing the right file?

OldNick commented 1 year ago


And I just checked by the simple expedient of noting the time stamp on the file - edited and saved 02:19, started RT and it now reads 02:21 with my edits gone.

OldNick commented 1 year ago

The answer I discover is to delete the cache... although why a user modifiable file should be kept in cache and have priority over a modified file defeats me.

hfiguiere commented 1 year ago

this is an upstream problem.