flathub / com.spotify.Client

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version outdated #248

Closed kolAflash closed 9 months ago

kolAflash commented 9 months ago

Current Flathub version: (19 May 2023)

latest/stable: (8 September 2023)
latest/edge: (8 September 2023)

http://repository.spotify.com (DEB): (14 August 2023)

Unfortunately I can't say if these versions fix critical (security related) bugs, because Spotify provides no changelog.

Erick555 commented 9 months ago


YuriBrandi commented 9 months ago

I think a beta flatpak branch version with automerging would be highly appreciated by those who always want to be up to date.

Stable -> manual merging Beta -> automerging.

Maybe even consider the Snap edge as upstream for the Beta branch.

Erick555 commented 9 months ago

Bot updates work only for single branch so if beta get autoupdates then stable wouldn't have any updates at all.

YuriBrandi commented 9 months ago

Uh so if we create a beta branch in the same project, fluthubbot won't work for both branches, right? : /

I tried to push a separate Flatpak for Spotify Edge w/ automerging a couple of weeks ago, but Flathub's contributors didn't really like the idea of a duplicate app (which exists for many apps like Discord btw).

bbhtt commented 9 months ago

Uh so if we create a beta branch in the same project, fluthubbot won't work for both branches, right? : /


You can use a custom Github workflow for that. Lots of browsers on Flathub do.

Erick555 commented 9 months ago

This can be closed.

kolAflash commented 9 months ago

Thanks :-)