flathub / com.spotify.Client

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Create a Edge channel / Beta branch #253

Open eclipseo opened 9 months ago

eclipseo commented 9 months ago


Would you mind creating a Edge channel / Beta branch to match the Snap channel?

I have done the work in https://github.com/eclipseo/com.spotify.Client/tree/beta and it would be nice if it could be published on Flathub.

The JSON version: https://github.com/eclipseo/com.spotify.Client/tree/beta_json

The latest Edge version fixes a lot of stuff on Wayland, especially MPRIS support under Plasma Wayland

Best regards,


Erick555 commented 9 months ago

Flathub currently supports stable and beta branches so the edge may be put in beta although autoupdates require setting up github actions.

eclipseo commented 9 months ago

Added a Github action

YuriBrandi commented 9 months ago

I've wanted this for a long time! You also fixed the libayatana-indicator missing library problem (which is still present in upstream's official Snap package). Kudos!

TingPing commented 9 months ago

@eclipseo Would you like to become a maintainer of this package? Then you can maintain the beta branch.