flathub / com.valvesoftware.Steam.CompatibilityTool.Proton

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Wine issues: `mismatched architecture` and `unhandled page fault` #64

Closed KnightOfCups closed 2 years ago

KnightOfCups commented 2 years ago

Since I'm on Steam, I play the early Tomb Raider games by Core Design (from I to VI) and, despite some temporary issues, I managed to get this working by using the different community versions available of Proton (from here, -Exp or -GE). Now it seems that few Wine installations have been altered but I still can play the other games.

KnightOfCups commented 2 years ago

Finally I succeed to launch TB III with current Proton-GE 6.21-GE-2-1 version but not with the latest Proton-Exp 6.3-20211220 version (same issue). The switch to the previous Proton builds for the 2 unworkable games just confirm the diagnostic with a clear message: wine: '.../.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/225300/pfx' is a 32-bit installation, it cannot support 64-bit applications.

KnightOfCups commented 2 years ago

Finally I ended up by uninstalling and reinstalling the 2 games, the Wine configurations are now valid and everything is back to normal.

gasinvein commented 2 years ago

So I guess the prefixes got broken (IIRC Steam wipes the prefix when uninstalling a game). Now I wonder how exactly they got broken.