flathub / com.valvesoftware.Steam

336 stars 69 forks source link

Games cant be launched from terminal #1019

Open andirsun opened 1 year ago

andirsun commented 1 year ago

Game information

Distribution name and version where applicable

Flatpak info

Problem description

I was trying to follow this thread https://steamcommunity.com/app/221410/discussions/0/1621724915820500210/ and seems like you can launch a game from terminal with a command

steam steam://rungameid/{YourGameID}

But for this flatpak version is not possible

andirsu@pop-os:~$ flatpak run com.valvesoftware.Steam steam://rungameid/35140
INFO:root:Will set XDG dirs prefix to /home/andirsu/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam
DEBUG:root:Checking input devices permissions
INFO:root:Overriding TZ to America/Bogota
DEBUG:root:Addding /usr/lib/extensions/vulkan/MangoHud/bin to PATH
steam.sh[2]: Running Steam on org.freedesktop.platform 22.08 64-bit
steam.sh[2]: STEAM_RUNTIME is enabled automatically
setup.sh[77]: Steam runtime environment up-to-date!
steam.sh[2]: Steam client's requirements are satisfied

Nothing happens

Does this issue reproduce with native Steam