flathub / com.valvesoftware.Steam

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Unable to run on blank davinci rocky 8 linux. with security level minimal frensh blabla #1131

Closed NicTanghe closed 9 months ago

NicTanghe commented 11 months ago

hello when i try to run steam oin Rocky 8 i get the following error.

bash-4.4$ flatpak run com.valvesoftware.Steam bwrap: Can't mkdir parents for /app/lib/debug/lib/i386-linux-gnu/GL: Read-only file system error: ldconfig failed, exit status 256

nanonyme commented 11 months ago

@doraskayo I suppose this is relataed to the debug GL extension?

doraskayo commented 11 months ago

@NicTanghe, it sounds like you have the org.freedesktop.Platform.GL32.Debug.default extension installed but not the org.freedesktop.Platform.Compat.i386.Debug extension. If I remember correctly this may not work.

Either that or you are running with an old version of org.freedesktop.Platform.Compat.i386 or org.freedesktop.Platform.Compat.i386.Debug. Try flatpak update?

doraskayo commented 9 months ago

Also com.valvesoftware.Steam.Debug must be installed if one wishes to use org.freedesktop.Platform.GL32.Debug.default or org.freedesktop.Platform.Compat.i386.Debug.

NicTanghe commented 9 months ago

i have no clue what the issue was, but I’ve since switched distros to have everything i need working