flathub / com.valvesoftware.Steam

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Does not recognize partition (Fedora/rpm based) #7

Closed fastoslinux closed 7 years ago

fastoslinux commented 7 years ago

Does not recognize partition /run/media/user...games partitions..

Fedora 25

captura de tela de 2017-06-19 22-55-20

TingPing commented 7 years ago

It is sandboxed so it isn't supposed to. For now you can run flatpak run --filesystem=/run/media com.valvesoftware.Steam. It might make sense for us to just pass everything through by default..

fastoslinux commented 7 years ago

working! captura de tela de 2017-06-20 03-22-16

fastoslinux commented 7 years ago

Report of my tests, errors do not happen in steam installed via dnf (Fedora repo rpmfusion)

Borderlands 2 closes when downloading savegame Bound by flame fonts problem DeusEx does not open Dirt rally error 127 and does not open 2015 f1 does not open Grid autosport does not open Mad Max did not open Shadow of mordor is with texture bug already fixed by nvidia Shadow warrior fonts problems

Fedora25 gnome(xorg) nvidia 780 driver 381.22

TingPing commented 7 years ago

Anyway I'll close this for now since the partition question has a workaround. You also commented your test results on another game issue where that can be tracked. Thanks for testing!